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FWB-->to Dating---> to now no relationship :( (very Long)

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OK I have been seeing this guy form appx. 6 months. We met on an adult online dating website looking for FWB. He recently got out an relationship a month ago after being with the same girl for 7 years. That did not bother me at the time because i wasnt looking for much but sex. We talked on the phone for 1 night and knew we had to see each other.....we had so much chemistry...we had our first date that weekend and started our FWB situation. We talked all the time, i got to know all the personal details about him. He never tried to hide anything, he opened his entire life to me (including his family and job ). I spent every weekend with him and some days during the week with him for 6 months. I started catching feelings, i kinda think he did as well. He says he cares about me but not to the extent that i care about him. He says he is open to a relationship but not at this point, because he still getting over his prior relationship. So i took that and said ok...ill wait around a little. But it got harder and harder. See this guy likes control. He wants complete control over his feelings. In my opinion i believe he liked me too much and he wanted to start backing off. He would always hint that we are in a relationship when we were in each other prescene, but when we werent with each other he acted like nothing wasnt nothing. So he called me less and texted me less. We seen each other maybe 1 wkly instead of 2-3 a wk. He would say things like we just friends why do i have to call you all the time? Im like wow just friends? I thought we were heading somewhere. He like no im not ready for that. I felt like he is trying to control his feelings and in response pushing me away. So I got so fed up this monday and i texted him i want out of the relationship.(yes i texted him because i was being mean)...he was shocked but then agreed bc he said he cant give me what i want "at this point". Im thinking like wow your not going to fight for our friendship? I then called him and we talked and i explained to him what was bothering me. He tried to play it cool and be like why am im so passionate about this if we are just friends....clearly he knows we are not just friends...we have a special relationship....not your normal FWB. FWB dont go on dates every week, FWB dont open up there entire world about all they family members their job, their church, etc etc. So i ended up telling him i needed a break. And then he deleted me off FB. Mind you he is 26 yrs old and im 27 yrs old. Now Im home missing him, wondering if he is thinking about me? This is not our first argument about this situation, we usually come back to terms but this time Im serious. I completely care about this individual more than i ever cared about another man....not just in a relationship but as a friendship. What should I Do? Should I let all the good times go or give it a break for a few weeks and try again? He said the ball is my court....i just dont want to be dragged around (Sorry its so long) Thanks for reading

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Sure he says the balls in your court but you would have to accept his terms and conditions. NC is probably the best until you figure out what you want. But if you want a relationship I doubt he's the guy for you.

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