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Thanks for your response. However I think you misunderstood me. We both attend the same college and are going to be in the same classroom together. How do I deal with this? Do I just give her the cold shoulder and if she chooses to talk to me just be civil, or not talk to her at all?



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No, I fully understood your post. You simply misunderstood my pun, attempt at humor...which was probably distasteful considering the seriousness of your situation. It went right over your head...but that's my fault.


This is not a person you want to have anything to do with. Treat her just the same as any member of the class. If you can drop the class and take the same course from a different professor, do so.


Do not go out of your way to be nice to her...do not walk her to or from class...do not talk to her after class...do not help her with homework...do not sit near her during class...to not share notes or study with her. Don't give her the cold shoulder, that would be stooping to her level. Just smile, say hi, and move on. If she choses to talk to you, DON'T chose to talk to her. Just say a few words and keep moving. If you are nice to her after what she did to you, she will think you are really nuts!!!


I don't think it has sunk in yet for you...just how crappy she treated you. Don't feel bad. I used to be where you are and I let so much go over my head. I wish I could go back in time and treat some of these girls who crapped on me like they should have been treated...like they didn't even exist.

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