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Can I sue my ex for not following health insurance guidelines of the divorce decree?

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According to the divorce decree I am required to have medical insurance for my son. I have him under an HMO plan. The guidelines of the divorce decree states that she is suppose to be in compliance with the insurance policy (Use HMO).

My ex wife has insurance for him as well but under PPO. She takes him to her doctor under PPO but her insurance has my insurance listed as the primary and therefore my insurance is charged full price because the doctor is out of network. The doctor offices that she had taken him too are not his original PCP. I received a bill about a month ago from my insurance for over $900 because she has been taking my son to the doctor using the methods mentioned above.


I recently switched insurance companies because my job changed to a new insurance. I am hesitant to give her a copy of my new insurance card because I’m pretty sure she will be using the same methods and I will be stuck with the bill again.

2 questions:

1 Can I sue her for damages since she did this knowingly and did not follow the guide lines of the divorce decree?

2. Am I required to give her a copy of my insurance card even if she has insurance of her own?

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