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He loves to play games.. He enjoys the chase... You are playing his game and he's the one with the controls. Don't even be concerned about him. Be grateful that he did just instantly cut contact. He did you a big favor. Respect is something that he can't even offer you and he was the one that sought you out. If he can't even respect you in the beginning of whatever he wanted to build, It would have only gotten worse down the line. Be happy!:bunny:

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I think I have some issues to sort out on my own that include......maybe some strange idea that if another woman thinks he is a catch...then he must be OK.

Very good insight. You act as if you don't trust your own judgment. Yet your rational mind is telling you that this (ex)MM is a complete lying, faithless, obnoxious jerk who has and uses just enough game to keep you hooked.


Please just dump him. You can go pick up any single man in a bar or a Greyhound bus station and 99 of 100 of them will put you on a better trajectory than this twerp.


Look on the bright side....you have only wasted a few months, not years or God forbid 15, to 20, to 30 years as some sadly deceived (and self-deceiving) women have.... Also, unlike his unfortunate W, you can simply walk away on the spur of the moment....no lawyers, no paperwork, no crying children, no guilt, no worry about whether you're doing the right thing. She can't. She's legally tied to a man who may never have been faithful to her or honest with her for ONE SECOND of their relationship. :sick:

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I've had one of those spineless disappearing men as well. 6 mos. into our A, I got VM saying "catch ya' later". Later was 5 WEEKS, during which time he ignored my calls, etc. I spent those 5 weeks crying, questioning, wondering what I had done, etc. etc. only to get back on the rollercoaster when he called 5 weeks later. It was also the one and ONLY thing I had asked mine not to do was to just disappear without warning, and he couldn't do it either.


These men are cruel, conflict-avoiding cowards. They never want to be the bad guys. They just disappear and leave you hanging in case THEY ever decide they want you back.


After several unsuccessful endings, I had my final one just over 2 months ago. It was not a pretty ending and it has really torn me up as he was very cruel, but I'll eventually heal and I know I am so much better off without someone like him.


We women tend to want to analyze things and when we don't get some kind of reasonable explanation it can really mess with your head. But it's unlikely we'll get it from guys like this and you have to actually force yourself to just let it go.

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