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What do you think? Is he telling the truth or not.....

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Yesterday morning at 5am, I was about to get ready to go to work. But being as suspicious as I am, I went to look at my bf's cell phone (it wasnt off this time). He only stays over on Mondays and Wed nights. Just so happen as I flipped through, I found one of his recorded speaker messages (his phone can record messages while talking into a speaker). I noticed that he still had our daughter singing her ABC's but there was a recent on dated 3/25 at 1:10am. I played it and heard someone snoring, in the background I could hear "Babe...babe ur snoring." "Baaabe ur snoooriiiing."


As soon as I heard that, my heart dropped. I woke him up (yes at 5am in the morning). I just had to know what was up. At first he lied and told me that it was a joke. He made that message up because he knows I would check his phone. Then he said "how do u know that's even a girl? Did you hear a girls voice?" His last excuse was "her nickname IS Babe."


After all that, I dont know how much time he wasted, but he finally said "ok, u wanna hear the story behind that, i'll tell you. that message aint even anything..." so i said "who is that girl?" he said "she works in the same area. (he works for a jewelry company within another store. that female works for that store while he works for that jewerly company). So anyways, he told me that this girl (23 yr old) works with him or in the same building. She's married to a military guy that beats her. They became so called friends for about 2 months (she's been working there for 6 months total).


That day (3/25) at work, he said that she went up to him to ask him a favor. The favor was that she needed a place to sleep that night because the next day she was running away from her husband to go back home (New York). So my guess is that he said ok. He told me she slept in the living room and nothing even happened between them. He didnt even touch her in any way.


He also doesnt live alone. He has two other room mates and one of the room mates girlfriends was over that night as well. Anyway, this girls name nick name IS Babe (he says that everyone calls her that). I dont know if he's telling me the truth. I asked if she was pretty and he said "I'm not gonna lie to you, but yes she is." and i said "the two of you have so much in common, y wouldnt u have slept with her?" he said "because of u..." and i said "i just cant believe ur story, i dont know if ur telling the truth.." he told me that this girl asked him if it was okay with me that she was staying there and he told her that if he told me, i would flip out and automatically think their sleeping together because of him cheating on me in the past.


im starting to think that maybe they may have had some kind of attraction to eachother. maybe he wanted to do something with her, but she just wasnt that type. i dont even know if she really did leave to New York. he doesnt work their anymore either. he just got hired at another jewelry place. he told me that this girl "Babe" respects me and would never do anything like that to me, although we have never met. she even thinks that im a "lucky" girl to have him. but god knows if they did anything that night, or any night. right now i told him that i cant forgive him for doing this and not telling me and that i dont know if i wanna b with him right now. im very confused and wish i could believe what he told me. he apologized and thinks i should trust him. i probably left out a few details and answers, but i cant remember everything all at once. ur advice would greatly be appreciated.


its hard to say with him because he's known to lie. a friend told me that its probablt the truth, that she was there as a favor because its rare to be able to make up a story like that within minutes. but i just dont know if anything happened between them. oh and that recording of her snoring was because she said she never snores and he recorded her to prove that she does. and the way he said "babe......ur snoring" sounds like the way he calls me...babe. now i no longer want to be called that.

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This is a decision I feel you should make on your own. I believe that by asking others' opinions you will simply add to your confusion. It sounds that you have enough evidence to choose a proper course of action.


I can tell you what I would do in a similar situation, however: Leave.

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This doesn't sound good to me, at all. You caught him in a lie, and then he told you the "truth", but I think it's only a half truth.

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I had to talk to him again and he put that on our daughter and his mother that he didnt do anything with her. His comment "I'm sorry about the past but if there's one thing you can trust me on, its this...."

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