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He called and I didnt answer

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Yup, my xmm called and this time I dont even want to answer. I am burned out and tired from it all. Had i needed him or called him, he wouldnt have been able to answer, but when he calls me, I'm supposed to jump to attention. Screw that.


The majority of our communication has been phone calls, emails or web cam talks, always at his convenience. My convenience doesnt exist.


Well, now my convenience does matter to me and so does my pride. Eff him, for thinking he could call me up and I'd drop whatever I was doing and go meet him somewhere. Our "encounter" would begin and end at this convenience.


I'm so proud and amazed at myself that I didnt go running to him. He will never change and 5 years from now, he'll still be "living in the garage" at the house he shares with a wife who is "nothing more than a roommate."

She'll be "taking his money" and he'll be sacrificing "for the kids" who will then be 26 and 20. And me?..who knows where'll I'll be, but it wont be with him Thank God!

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Sorry S, I'm confused..You say he's your exMM, but then you say..


The majority of our communication has been phone calls, emails or web cam talks, always at his convenience. My convenience doesnt exist.

So is it an EA now?


You are right, it's on his terms and when he has time for you. Being second fiddle to everthing else in his life.


When you've had enough, I mean REALLY enough, you'll end it completely and go total NC.


You need to ask yourself what you're getting out of this, aside from pain and frustration.

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Yup, my xmm called and this time I dont even want to answer. I am burned out and tired from it all. Had i needed him or called him, he wouldnt have been able to answer, but when he calls me, I'm supposed to jump to attention. Screw that.


The majority of our communication has been phone calls, emails or web cam talks, always at his convenience. My convenience doesnt exist.


Well, now my convenience does matter to me and so does my pride. Eff him, for thinking he could call me up and I'd drop whatever I was doing and go meet him somewhere. Our "encounter" would begin and end at this convenience.


I'm so proud and amazed at myself that I didnt go running to him. He will never change and 5 years from now, he'll still be "living in the garage" at the house he shares with a wife who is "nothing more than a roommate."

She'll be "taking his money" and he'll be sacrificing "for the kids" who will then be 26 and 20. And me?..who knows where'll I'll be, but it wont be with him Thank God!


No one else can make you happy. It has to be you, and in you. Do whatever it takes to put yourself back on top, where you deserve to be!!! Good luck! :)

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mine was the same way in the beginning not so much but as my feeling grew and he kne it i made all the sacrafices he just quit trying .. i felt so out of control of the relationship and my life

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I'm so proud and amazed at myself that I didnt go running to him. He will never change and 5 years from now, he'll still be "living in the garage" at the house he shares with a wife who is "nothing more than a roommate."

She'll be "taking his money" and he'll be sacrificing "for the kids" who will then be 26 and 20. And me?..who knows where'll I'll be, but it wont be with him Thank God!


Kudos to you, this is a huge step! Well wishes on your continued journey to freedom and healing, realizing that you have the right to but yourself and your needs first is the best thing you can do for yourself. :)


Honestly, I do feel that the communication likely needs to stop. What is it you feel like you need to hang onto?

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