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got rejected....again


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keep swinging. my husband struck out a zillion times before he caught me---lucky guy! ;):p:bunny:


really, he said he was rejected 99% of the time and didn't really date many girls before me and only had one serious relationship before me (I was the same way) and when we started dating it seemed like all those other people/rejections were worth it and didn't hurt or get us down because we feel like we were only marking time with them until we met each other.

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I talked to the girl about it and she said her parents don't let her date.

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So it wasn't that she didn't like you after all :) . DA, I think Amer and Pav have given you really sound advice. Better luck next time. If you can't help expecting rejection then at least make damned sure it doesn't show. You are a fine person - if someone isn't interested it's their loss. The sooner you believe that the better your chances are.

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one more thing to help you not take it so personally. Are you interested in dating every girl you find attractive? Im not. Sometimes a girl may be attractive and have a good personality but for one reason or another does not "interest" me. A lot of times it really is nothing personal, but a lot of people (including myself) have a difficult time thinking that way.

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No not every girl that i find attractive, they have to have personality too.

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I agree with krbshappy71. Dinner is a bit formal and I don't go down that route unless there is some serious chemistry going on before hand. I'd go with the study together or coffee after class deal given your situation. Light and casual... As far as rejection, it happens to most everyone at some point... At least you played a hand.

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