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Cheating lover in 6+ year relationship

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I thought I would be the last person at this sort of forum.

My boyfriend has been 100% honest about his interactions with another girl.

He has asked to see her naked, gotten kisses from her in public places and even asked her for sex >:|

He has only gotten as far as nudity, but he seems to intend to go farther.

I have expressed, at length, how I feel about his actions.

I'm not sure if I can trust him anymore, but his honesty certainly opens my mind.

We have been dating for almost 7 years and I don't have the strength to deal with this much longer.

I really love him, but I don't want to be hurt.

Am I being too jealous/possessive?

What should I do?

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Originally posted by anonymus

He has only gotten as far as nudity, but he seems to intend to go farther.



????? What he just said "get naked", he looked and then she got dressed? Sounds fishy to me.

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She's Come Undone

What??? Who asks someone if they can "see them naked?" You don't know if you can trust him??? Hellooooooo, he just told you he's cheating on you, sex or no sex! This whole thing sounds weird.

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When this kind of thing happens, I recommend taking the focus OFF of the naked girl and putting it ONTO the relationship. What is going on between the two of you? Are you both happy and secure with each other, and are you both getting your NEEDS met? I would guess the answer is no, because otherwise the naked girl would not be in the picture.


You have some thinking to do - how much does this fellow mean to you? Do you want an open relationship? Can you get him to respect your feelings and stay away from naked girls? Could you trust him to have a one-off with her and then come back to you? And then the two of you have some work to do together, understanding each other's needs and meeting them more fully.

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I really love him, but I don't want to be hurt.

Am I being too jealous/possessive?

What should I do?


HELL no!!!! Although your boyfriend is being explicitly honest, it is wrong of him to be doing this if you've got an exclusive, committed relationship. Wrong, wrong, wrong.

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