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Now he wants a ..............

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The other guy I'm seeing messages me the other day and he was telling me how he can't stop thinking about when we had sex and I said me too. Then he says can I ask u something? Whatever your answer is it's fine. I said ok. He said will you have a threesome with me? I said 2 guys or girls? He said girls. I thought dammit cause I'm not gay or bisexual, but I do like him and care about him so I said ok. He got all happy and said lets do it cause I'll make his dream come true. I thought to myself I thought I already did that when I got on camera but whatever. Then he says ok now who. I said oh I thought you had one already. He said no lets find one and he'll get a room with a jacuzzi so we can play. I said ok but how? He said he doesn't know, maybe he'll put a ad on craigslist. I'm like ohhh maaaann. I could kiss a girl, play with the boobs, but to go THERE on someone I don't even know. UGGH Just thinking about it is freaking me out. Like what if she smells or even worse has something. NYC is filled with dirty people, I know I was born & raised there and heard many too many std stories from my friends. :sick:

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Go eat some goats, and then get back under your bridge.


Oops I forgot to say "please".

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That was wittier than I expected. Thanks for surprising me with something vaguely intelligent.

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Okay lostone,


I seriously felt bad for you when he took advantage of you and broadcasted the two of you having sex for the whole world to watch. I felt bad for you when you were seriously upset because of the chance that you may have been pregnant. Now, I'm totally irritated by the fact that either you are in fact a troll, or someone who has absolutely NO self respect or dignity and will do whatever a man tells her, just for the f&*ks sake of it.


What is it that you want anyone to say? Your going to let this man convince you to do whatever he wants, and then whine when you feel all cheap and nasty afterwards.

Go munch on some strange carpet, hell if you would even consider that, given this disgusting peice of craps past history, then you deserve whatever comes of it. Good grief girl, do you have any respect at all for yourself? WTF are you doing? Really, Craigs list? I wouldnt eat a damn sandwich or lick a lollipop off Craigs list.


Oh well, we used to put Vicks up our nose so the stench of rotting flesh didn't cause us to vomit perfusely, I imagine it might work for your situation as well.


Why doesn't he just ask his girlfriend to be the third member? Ahh, nevermind, I think I can figure that one out.

Edited by a LoveShack.org Moderator
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The other guy I'm seeing messages me the other day and he was telling me how he can't stop thinking about when we had sex and I said me too. Then he says can I ask u something? Whatever your answer is it's fine. I said ok. He said will you have a threesome with me? I said 2 guys or girls? He said girls. I thought dammit cause I'm not gay or bisexual, but I do like him and care about him so I said ok. He got all happy and said lets do it cause I'll make his dream come true. I thought to myself I thought I already did that when I got on camera but whatever. Then he says ok now who. I said oh I thought you had one already. He said no lets find one and he'll get a room with a jacuzzi so we can play. I said ok but how? He said he doesn't know, maybe he'll put a ad on craigslist. I'm like ohhh maaaann. I could kiss a girl, play with the boobs, but to go THERE on someone I don't even know. UGGH Just thinking about it is freaking me out. Like what if she smells or even worse has something. NYC is filled with dirty people, I know I was born & raised there and heard many too many std stories from my friends. :sick:


You're joking right? He's treating you like his play f,uck and you're going along with this? You settle for table scraps and let him use you, the less and less he'll respect you and EXPECT this sexual behaviour to continue. All for what? Keep him in your life so he'll be happy and not break things off with you? You don't want a 3-some but you want to do it for him... There's something wrong here...

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No I don't want to do it especially since he doesn't even have someone. I KNOW I have to back out of this one, but it's hard for me cause I don't wanna disappoint him, but I really, really don't wanna do it. It's kinda hard to stand up and speak when everybody tries to keep you down & when you do speak it doesn't matter anyway :mad:

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Sorry, but would you throw yourself under a truck if he asked you"just to please him"?


Don't ever do anything that your gut tells you is not good for YOU. It will shatter your self esteem and make yourself feel unworthy of having a normal relationship.


All the Best,


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There is no way that this is real....:confused:


If it however; you should probably sit down and examine your selfworth, since you are going to force yourself to engage in illicit activities that you DON'T WANT because some man you "like" asked you to. Think about that....


You shouldn't be some puppet in some man's life that asks you to act out his fantasies and uses you for his bidding while you reluctantly oblige to please him. If you continue, you will not end up in a good place, believe me.


This man doesn't care for you and I hope you are not trying to be his girlfriend, as that probably will not happen and he will only use you to his advantage until he is done playing.

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No I don't want to do it especially since he doesn't even have someone. I KNOW I have to back out of this one, but it's hard for me cause I don't wanna disappoint him, but I really, really don't wanna do it. It's kinda hard to stand up and speak when everybody tries to keep you down & when you do speak it doesn't matter anyway :mad:



THEN DON'T DO IT!!!! Come on LO, is this the type of women you want to be? The type that is nothing more then a sexual slave to a man, that has absolutely NO love, or respect for you. No man, that even thought of you as a friend would expect you to do something that you are not comfortable with. No man or friend for that matter would be upset with you for not doing it, if they truly cared and respected the person you are.

I think your young, you have fallen for this man, and have convinced yourself that if you play along that somehow he is going to eventually fall for you. It's not going to happen, not now, not ever. This is not someone who will ever reciprocate your feelings. He is using you, just to get HIS rocks off. Why can't you see that EVERYTHING you do, is all about HIM.

Tell him hell no, and to get the hell out of your life, and NEVER come back. Then send a very blunt email to his girlfriend so that she knows just what kind of guy she's got, and perhaps spare her the embarrassment of a nice case of herpes, and spare her future from a devestating case of HIV. It's not a game girl, tell this pimp to eff off. Screw his disappointment, you owe him NOTHING.

You lay down with dogs, you WILL get up with fleas.

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Oh good Lord. Does anyone REALLY believe all this crap?


You could stop reading it! Problem solved.





THEN DON'T DO IT!!!! Come on LO, is this the type of women you want to be? The type that is nothing more then a sexual slave to a man, that has absolutely NO love, or respect for you. No man, that even thought of you as a friend would expect you to do something that you are not comfortable with. No man or friend for that matter would be upset with you for not doing it, if they truly cared and respected the person you are.

I think your young, you have fallen for this man, and have convinced yourself that if you play along that somehow he is going to eventually fall for you. It's not going to happen, not now, not ever. This is not someone who will ever reciprocate your feelings. He is using you, just to get HIS rocks off. Why can't you see that EVERYTHING you do, is all about HIM.

Tell him hell no, and to get the hell out of your life, and NEVER come back. Then send a very blunt email to his girlfriend so that she knows just what kind of guy she's got, and perhaps spare her the embarrassment of a nice case of herpes, and spare her future from a devestating case of HIV. It's not a game girl, tell this pimp to eff off. Screw his disappointment, you owe him NOTHING.

You lay down with dogs, you WILL get up with fleas.


Ya don't play & tell it like it is. That's what's up. I never expected him to leave her for me, he never said he would & made it clear it was just sex. Now maybe I got a little more feelings or a crush on him when we had sex, but nah I don't want him as my man. IF he brings it up again..I'm hoping he don't, but I will tell him I'm not doing it. I'll just tell him what if she got std's, hopefully that would scare him.

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No I don't want to do it especially since he doesn't even have someone. I KNOW I have to back out of this one, but it's hard for me cause I don't wanna disappoint him, but I really, really don't wanna do it. It's kinda hard to stand up and speak when everybody tries to keep you down & when you do speak it doesn't matter anyway :mad:


So what if you disappoint him!! WTF. Get strength and fight for yourself! If you don't, noone else will! And then you're stuck with stupid choices and outcomes and you'll have noone to blame but yourself.


STAND UP TO HIM and say NO! Or are you afraid if you say no he'll break it off with you?

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NYC is filled with dirty people, I know I was born & raised there


haha, true enough! :laugh:


You just like the drama and you're already acting like his whore.


I say do it - just be sure to actually get paid this time! :rolleyes:


Oh and when it comes to heads & tails or a DP scenario with the soon to come 2 guys threesome, be sure to come back and report that too.


ETA - nothing wrong with a good threesome, but doing it to make some lowlife pimp happy, or doing it get attention and validation from some douche that treats you like a whore - THAT is wrong.

...but we all gotta learn our lessons at our own pace.

Edited by TigerCub
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This guy has no respect for you! WHO CARES about pleasing him?


Ask him if he is willing to pay you, b/c he is treating you like a "working girl"


You deserve better.


Dump this loser.

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This is a really LOST ONE. (no pun)


But to be honest, this could very much be real. I've heard worst.:o


Hone, craigslist? Really? How many Lifetime movies do you have to watch? The least that can happen to you is to get robbed.


Anyway, there are dirty people all over the world. Not just in NYC... :sick:


Good luck with that!



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