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Just looking for some open honest advice/opinions

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I am looking for honest open opinions on the issue of guys having girl "friends"


and vice versa! Do some of you think that is possible that two people can party


and hang out together and keep it on a friend level?


My reason for asking is my bo's best friend is a girl and they hang out a lot go to bars together and do normal things friends would do.


I don't think that my bo would cheat it just seems to me sometimes he puts her before me.


The girl has a bo herself and knows about me ,we have talked on the phone and stuff so I feel that I should have nothing to worry about but in my gut I feel something a little different.


The main issue is Last week he went riding on his street bike which was fine but I ended up running into him that nite while he was on his bike and he had her


with him ! Now I know that she rides sometimes but that was the first time he hadn't told me about her going with him and that worried me a little .


I told him that I wish he would have told me that he had her and he said he stopped by to see her brother (who has a street bike ) maybe he thought he


would go riding with him and he wasn't there so she got on with ! He did say that he was sorry for not telling me but he def. is only friends with her and


nothing more that he loves me and if he ever left me it would not be for another girl.


So i hope somebody can give me some advice / opinions something to help me.

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if i were you, i think i'd also feel kind of uncomfortable. but m/f friendships DO happen. so my advice to you is to hang out with both of them - perhaps even become friends with her, too. if you feel that when the three of you are in the same place, he still openly shows that you&your bf are together, then i'd say you're safe - for now. keep watching it, but don't express jealousy - it'll only push him away.


best of luck!


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One of my best friends is a guy, Jon. At first my boyfriend Steve would make comments but he seen how me and Jon were when we were together it was strictly platonic! There have been millions of times when I would go out with Jon and Steve wouldnt know, do you tell him every friend that you decided to hang out with some times people just pop up! Maybe the 3 of you could hang out, if they act even a little flirty in front of you then somethings up if she throws a little attiude at you somethings up, if none of this applies then your ok and should have no worries

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