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Was she just using me as an ego boost?

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I guess it's about time for my 3 month advice-seeking binge. Things were going great with a girl I was starting to fall pretty hard for, but we are several hours apart. I've posted on this before, but here are a few things she said/did via text or phone convos or in person that have me confused:


(when she got a new phone): "you should text me a lot so I can get practice typing with this thing"


"I think you should text me in the morning so I will wake up on time"


(when I told her I was going out with friends on a night when she was supposed to come but had to cancel last minute) "are there girls out with you?"


"what is your schedule like this month? we should have a fun weekend together soon"


(at my place, looking at old pictures from college) "there is _____. how long have you known her?"


(in response to me asking her what she was doing one night) "playing games"



All of this had me fairly convinced that she was very much into me. We would talk for hours into the night on weekends. Unfortunately the following left me wondering what was wrong:


(when I brought up the fact that she'd been acting distant) "dont take it personally, i'm just busy"


add this to the fact that I asked her to go with me to various places 3 different times and she was always "busy" or said she would go then backed out and I finally gave up for about a month and just went no contact. she texted a few times with stuff like "we shouldn't be friends, i'm evil." And then she quit texting after a while.


Recently I haven't been able to get her out of my mind and began texting again just to see how she was doing. She always responds, usually in a couple of minutes. The other night we talked for about an hour like we haven't missed a beat. Other times she just responds with short one word answers and doesnt seem to want to start a conversation. The fact that she always responds has me puzzled though. I can't tell if she's just being nice or if there is still some convoluted form of interest there.


It seems like the main problem was always the distance. She's "old fashioned" and never wanted to agree to an overnight trip. After looking back, every time I asked her to do something it required a lot of travel on her part and perhaps she was uncomfortable feeling forced into that. I'm considering trying to find a day when I'm almost certain she doesn't have plans and offering to drive down and take her out, and make it clear that I don't plan on staying. If she declines then I guess I will know for sure she is not interested. If she accepts then the vicious cycle starts all over again??


Sorry for the rambling just needed to clear my head. Anybody think it's worth the risk of giving it another shot? Or should I keep what is left of my dignity and just move on, without bothering to offer to drive down and see her? I just can't stand that element of the unknown and want a definite answer either way.


Thanks to anybody who read this much!

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IMO, she's just not that into you. If she was, she'd make the effort to see you. It's probably the distance thing. I've been in situations like that before where the other person is over an hour away, and it's nice to talk to them for the friendship but it never goes passed that.


I say move on and find someone closer to you. You can still be text friends with her, but anything more isn't going to happen.


Whenever I've told a guy I'm 'too busy' it's because I'm really not that interested, but I string them along in case one night I don't have any other options and want company.


Sorry to be brutally honest.

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