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Outkast - dissed by friends?

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My small group of friends are not including me anymore. They are hanging out with others sometimes and they don't tell me to go away or anything, I'm "allowed" around them, but they ignore what I have to say most of the time (they didn't used to do this). Some of the new people in the crowd will put me down, and my so-called friends won't stand up for me - they even join in a little bit.


I've tried to make new friends, but it's a small place where I am. Everyone knows everyone, and it's like I'm an outcast to everyone.


I've asked what I did wrong and I'm told that I did nothing - that I'm just fine. Then they walk away. I guess I'm just feeling down about it. I'm used to being on the inside of things.

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These people are not friends. Find new friends immediately, as the ones you have now are not taking your feelings, personal worth and pride into consideration. They are being mean, plain and simple.



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It's going to be tough, but you need to go out and find new friends.


The people you are hanging around with sound juvenile, petty, elitist and rude. When you are not around to be their whipping post, they will target another member of their group. Who wants to be around a pack of mean little babies? True friends think you are a great person, enjoy the same interests as you, and don't pick on you.


Don't feel singled out. Your friends, with that kind of silly attitude, probably treat others that way as well, and eventually may end up being treated that way by their so called "friends". They are not the center of the social universe, and within a couple of years, most of these people won't even be hanging out with eachother.

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....nor do they walk away from you. Something (insignificant and shallow, probably) caused these "friends" to withdraw from you...or maybe you've become more mature and they fell threatened by it? In any case, you DO need to make a new set of friends. Don't let them see them get to you--hold your head up high and walk past them. Let them see that YOU don't need them!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Outkast, if you're still around, let us know how it's going. I have been in your shoes sadly enough, and it caused me to come close to a nervous breakdown.

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How's it going outkast? And I hate to make judgements based on age, but would you mind letting us know how old your are?


I think we've all been in situations like this before, I know I have during a time early on in high school. I sucked, and I felt terrible. But things change, you find new friends and even if you have to deal with small minded fools like this for awhile, things will get better.


I know that doesn't help you in the least right now, and it's certainly not something that would have given me any peace back than, but it's true none-the-less.


Peace bud,



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