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Meeting Girls at Bars


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I SOMEWHAT disagree with some of the posts here that imply that you're not going to meet, or it's difficult to meet people for a relationship at a club or bar. I work in one of the major 10 cities in this country, and live the suburbs. I work (commute included) 8:00 am until 7:00, or 8:00. Going out to bars and clubs on thursday, friday, and saturday nights is not only a release, but is also one of the only social scenes that I can subject myself to in order to meet women.


One place, in particular that I go to is a really classy place that is PACKED after work, and carries on until 2 or 3 am. Many of these people have lives very similar to mine, and are very interested in meeting people.


I met my last 2 long-term girlfriends at bars (both ended up being disasters, but I met them and had great times nonetheless). Yeah, sure...sometimes it's a meat-market, but it depends on the place, entirely.


Also, think of the logic-


I GO THERE WITH MY FRIENDS, WE'RE DECENT PEOPLE, by the same token, wouldn't there be people there like us, or looking to meet people as well?


I, like these people, just don't have time to "take cooking classes," or anything like that.


I do agree that the sexual overtones at alot of bars prohibit people from meeting anybody, because girls don't take the guys seriously. But I think that, to an extent, depends on the place. Sleazy place...more likelihood of sleazy people.


But seriously..where the hell is somebody like myself supposed to meet nice, attractive girls.

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Oi vey. I agree. I met my fiance at an after party, a party someone had at their house after the clubs had closed.


And the puritanical idea of sex that is all over this country is so funny. Women get all freaked out about when to have sex, blah blah blah. Here's an idea: have sex whenever you feel like it. Don't over-analyze it. Just go with the flow and you'll find something great.

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It's funny, but I have had as a personal rule that you don't meet anyone decent at a bar. Too much drinking, often too loud for any real conversation, too much smoking. These are habits I don't want in a mate. Yet, I did meet a fascinating person (I was in love with him for years)at a bar and I, myself am a decent person, so what was I doing there?


Once you are out of school, it becomes increasingly difficult to find the right venue for meeting mates. Work is bad because if it goes wrong, you have to see that person every day and it can awkwardly affect your career (been there too). The gym is bad because, if it doesn't work out, you have to face them every time you are there just to work out (done that). Church is bad, because you go there to pray and if it doesn't work out, your peace is disturbed as they glare at you from their pew (been there too).


I have adhered to strict rules about not meeting men from all of the above, and yet I still meet lots of men. Book stores are good, because you can strike up a conversation about a book. Clubs are good, because at least you are assured of having something in common.


I believe that destiny brings people together and if it is meant to be, that person will be drawn to you, whether you are in line at the grocery store or sitting on the beach.

Oi vey. I agree. I met my fiance at an after party, a party someone had at their house after the clubs had closed. And the puritanical idea of sex that is all over this country is so funny. Women get all freaked out about when to have sex, blah blah blah. Here's an idea: have sex whenever you feel like it. Don't over-analyze it. Just go with the flow and you'll find something great.
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I like what Deejette has to say...but I agree with all the posts. I think chances are less of meeting a great person at a bar but you certain can meet them there.


Personally, I can't hear myself think when I'm at a bar. I also get claustrophobia so I stay close to the door. To all the nice girls of the world, when you go to a bar hang out close to the door and don't drink so much.


I've had the best success meeting nice girls at weddings. I go to as many as I can without having to buy too much of a gift. The girls that attend usually look their best, they are friendly and sociable because, after all, it's a wedding and they are approachable because they figure if I was invited I must be considered pretty safe by the bride and groom.


The problem always comes when the girl you've been talking too all evening at the wedding catches the bouquet. It sort of puts you on the spot.

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Personally, I can't hear myself think when

I'm at a bar. I also get claustrophobia so I stay close to the door.

Drat it, Tony. So THAT's where you were all those lonely nights?!


The problem always comes when the girl you've been talking too all evening at the wedding catches the bouquet. It sort of puts you on the spot.

Again, the secret must be in standing close to the door? (The stunned bridesmaid looks this way and that... where did that handsome man go, she wonders...)

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billy the kid

personaly I don't care for the bar rooms cus of all the gun fights, and after a few someone always steals my horse. I prefer to meat girls down at the general store or a nice house raizen or barn dance...

Drat it, Tony. So THAT's where you were all those lonely nights?! Again, the secret must be in standing close to the door? (The stunned bridesmaid looks this way and that... where did that handsome man go, she wonders...)
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Bobby Dygytul

I agree Billy, those are good places, i personally like to go to the Blacksmith and meet women as they are waiting while the Blacksmith shoes their horses.

personaly I don't care for the bar rooms cus of all the gun fights, and after a few someone always steals my horse. I prefer to meat girls down at the general store or a nice house raizen or barn dance...
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