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my gf feel heavy

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dear all ,

i need you help here ,,, my story like romio & julite

Im 30 and my girlfriend is 24 and we have been together for neary 4 years.

she live in Indonesia and i live in another country ,


we deal to married but because the rules of the government that they request agreement to agree


about this married from my country but my country not agree , we stay binding like that about


almost 2 years , during that i visit her many times we smile we have fun with her family ,,,,

even i bring her job in bank for her , but after that she become very busy and under push also .


however , since last week she avoid my call, sms , and when ask some friend of her , to ask her "


why ?"


he said "she avoid my calling because i push her to married quickly and she need time to think "


i send after 5 days flowers to her office then she sms me "thank u for the flowers"

then i send her flowers yesterday again with card i say in it "i can't live without you"

but still i didn't receive any update from her ,


i saw that she have face book , she contact her friends , but i didn't see our pic inside her page




what should i do now ,

should i send flowers or wait for 1 week to give her time or what good idea ,,,,

should i make page in Facebook and i put our pic and type to her so can all her friends see our


pic , or should i type to all her friends that i love this girl much much ?


please help in this case ...


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How was this like Romeo and Julliette? And who wants to be like that...it didnt end too well for them. You should probably just back off because you seem a bit pushy and contacting her friends to tell them how you feel about her is slightly stalkerish. She just isnt that into you

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