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friends or more?

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Hey guys, please help me get a read on the situation.


about 11 years ago when i was a teen, I had a chick friend, we were pretty good friends. Anyway, she liked me back then but because of the circumstances at the time, things didnt eventuate.


We lost touch for the last 5 or so years. But every time we ran into each other she would be so stoaked to see me, and follow it up with a sms like "oh it was so good to run into u"


Anyway, 2 weeks ago, she randomly msgs me on msn, we chat, and she's like yeah we need to meet up. Low and behold, one week later, i run into her, and we hug and we're happy to see each other and after a brief chat she says ok i gotta go, but we need to catch up.


The morning after, i get a sms, saying something along the lines of "if was great to run into u, we need to catch up, let me know" So i arrange to have dinner.


So in the past 2 weeks since the intial dinner I've made the following observations:


1. She is kinda touchy, n she'll do stuff like, put food on my plate that she doesnt want, or have some of my food,

2. we've been email each other and chatting on sms and phone every day. All messages will get a response.

3. she tells me how much of a cool guy she thinks i am, and all the things that are appealing about me (not out of the blue, but on topic of other stuff such as y i havent got a gf) she says stuff like i have a cool maner and i look pretty trendy lol, and im genuinly nice, n my hobbies etc

4. she has joked about things like "maybe girls do like u but u just dont know"

5. she has also said that if she likes a guy she'd never tell him.

6. she will jokingly say that shes trying to impress me i.e- im like how about ill grab some take away for u and drop it off? she would be like no, "cause then id have to get all dolled up for u" or after our first dinner, i said "hopefully we wont need to wait another 10 years to meet again" and she replied "if i waited 10 years id be too old to impress u"

7. its almost like she really wants to see me, be with me, or talk to me. and shes not showing any signs of slowing yet.



Now, just from going by the above, it may sound like she wants me bad but ive also made the following observations that make me think otherwise:


a. she tells me about this guy that keeps wanting to see her, and how annoying he is. when i said that she didnt even give him a chance, she declared that she didnt want a relationship.

b. she keeps telling me how much she loves this guy thats gone overseas, and how much she misses him. but at the same time, she also says that if i went away, she would go and drag me back lol.

c. she is the type of chick who has more guy freinds than girl friends, so i dont know if shes just like that to all her good guys friends?


What do u guys think? does this chick want something more? are there any things that i can do to lure her a bit more? or little tests i can do to see if shes just being her or if she actually likes me more than a friend?


To be honest, i dont really want to be in the friend zone, i mean, yeah im happy to be in the friend zone, but i really think this chick is one of the coolest chicks i know, and i could easily take her up as a gf.


whats ure read on the situation?


what should i do? continue doing what im doing, risk falling in the friend zone and hope that it goes the other way? should i tell her there could be something here? or just play hardball? At the moment i have not given her indication, just very mild flirting, calling her babe, telling her shes cute, etc etc.


more importantly, what does she want? is she trying to investigate or develop a possible relationship or is she just glad she has an awesome friend to hang with?


Thanks guys

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Sometimes it's hard to tell w/ people like this. I'm the type of girl w/ more guy friends than girl friends. A few of my guy friends had been interested in me but they weren't afraid to mention it & I pretty much told them how I felt; their like brothers & that was the end.


Some people are flirty by nature & mean nothing by it. It is possible she's interested in you (though she'd never tell). If you're brave enough, perhaps you could strike up a conversation w/ her & make a comment about the two of you being a couple.


Or just ask her out! :p Sometimes you've just got to take the initiative. Personally, I would never tell a guy I liked him, not even if I knew he liked me. Maybe she's waiting for you...

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Make a move sooner rather than later. If she is interested, she will assume you are not if you don't make a move. It wont matter how interested she WAS once you are in the friend zone.

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Thanks guys, I want to make a move, i got no troubles doing that, but i dont want to ruin the friendship if thats all it is. So i want to be sure she feels the same way before i make a move.


Anyway, the progress is still continuing, we are chatting everyday, at times before bed, just chatting, about pointless stuff. She is also very curious bout the girls i say i like. She will make comments like that we're best buddies, or like "you're at the top of my cool list ure so cool" lol. She is very nice to me, if it was any other girl, id say she likes me. But because i never see her in other environments (towards her other guys friends) i really dont know. I'm not really a ladies man, so yes, this is quite unusual for a girl of her calibre to be giving me so much attention. By that "calibre" i mean she's not a bad girl, so naturally, she has guys after her.


Are there any telltale signs or tests that i can try to get more of a read on her?


I'm happy playing along with what we're doing now, and seeing where it takes me, but i dont want to kill it by falling into the freindzone if she does like me. But say hypothetically, if she did like me, wouldnt i technically be denied access from the friendzone?




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