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Help!!! Weird Feelings!!!

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I am very confused and need help!! I have known my female friend for three years, and we are best friends. There isn't anything that I don't tell her. Well I have been having these weird feelings toward her for a while now. The problem is I am a woman and I'm getting married soon! I don't see myself as bisexual, but if I am having these sexual thoughts about her then I must me! I have never experienced with a woman before so could this just be that I am curious? And because she is my best friend and the only one I would trust maybe thats why I am thinking of her in that way! Well it gets better I told my fiance about it and he told me he wouldn't mind at all if I experimented with her. So I finally got the courage to admit to her about what I was feeling and I didn't get the response that I expected! She said to me that it was ok and that she was here for me if I wanted! We haven't spoken of it since and this was months ago! So what do you think is going on in her head? Does she want me or not?

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So how much do you still want her? Does she have someone she is with or likes already? maybe just still sorting out feelings and stuff first?


Does your fiance know and do you still love him and want to marry him?

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I need advice too actually - I just admited to my housemate last night that I liked him. We have been sharing a group house (with another girl) for about 2 months now and we hang out a lot together - its taken me this long to tell him.


He said he doesn't know what to say and he is flattered, and nothing else. I told him that I just want him to know how I feel and don't expect any reciprocle feelings. He wished me goodnight and we went to our seperate beds. He's gone to play tennis this morning and we haven't spoken since last night.


arrrhhhh what is in his head?

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of course I love my fiancee. And I really want to marry him! My friend does have a boyfriend and they have been dating for almost five months now. I think about her all the time so I am very confused and have no idea on what to do!!

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Wow... have you rationalised your feelings for her? ie. are they definately sexual or are you like mixing up friendship with sex?


I've done that before... I wanted to hold my bestfriend (girl) and kiss her too, and I was really surprised by my urges, but it turned out to be a phase and it was just that we were really close emotionally.

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I have often thought that maybe we were just close emotionally and that it is just a friend that I love. Does this feeling ever go away? I am scared about what may happen if we do go through it! I don't want our friendship to change at all!! I have never felt so confused!

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Hey again


Well last night my housemate told me that he is actually waiting for an ex-girlfriend to get back from overseas and he's hoping that they'll get back together - so I guess that was a no for me - oh well, plenty of fish in the sea right? and I feel that I have at least been honest and we could relate to each other better now - I hope anyway. It will be weird for couple of days but I guess nothing ventured nothing gained... oh man how am i gonna get over him tho??? I am so so into him...


anyway back to your questions - have you had thoughts for other women as well? and do you think your friend is comfortable with lesbian sex - eg. she might be scared of it and everything? are you able to relate ok otherwise - ie when was last time you guys hung out as friends and did girly stuff like shopping and movies or something?


I think honesty is key - ask her again. Another option is to try it out with other girls might be worth it?

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