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Woman i was talking to, went south, hard (long)

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What's up LS..been a while since i posted so i thought what better time then now. Lets get started. I met this chick off POF, she seemed perfect to me, we talked for a few hours for a few nights and then I gave her my number. She texted a few days later and we began texting and calling eachother quite a bit. After about a week we decided to meet for dinner and a movie. The date went great so i thought, she was smiling the entire time and laughing at all my jokes, however she told me her ex just broke up with her about 4 weeks previously, but she assured me she was over him. We had a few drinks and she even started callign me babe on the first date (thought that was strong but what the hell right?) I didnt hold her hand or anything in the movie i just tried to be very normal and let everything work itself out. Afetr the movie she asked where are we going next, i didnt really have anything planned after the movie but said she could come back and chill at my place if she wanted but she told me she had to work early. I didnt hear anything the next day but i texted her asking when i could see her again, she established new plans and we went to a theme park with her and her good friend. She confessed on the second date she still lived with her ex (this did not sound good to me) but it was basically just a roomate situation and it wasnt a big deal. I noticed that i always had to initiate contact with her and it seemed she would change plans around or flake out (although she would make new ones). She did seem to take the aggressive role early on, intiating physical contact and asking why i hadnt kissed her. So we went on a few more dates and i noticed she kept putting off sex, she said she didnt want me to be the rebound guy. Well after about another week or so we both went downtown and got hammered..and we ended up havign sex (she was begging for it that night basically). Unfortunately, i was extremely drunk and i gave her the ole limp treatment but hell, what can you expect lol. Over the next few days she established a friendship with my roomate (female) they both like to go out and have a good time and they seemed to have a lot in common. A few days later she called and asked "what are we? dating? bf/gf?" i asked her if she was hoenstly over her ex and she told me no, she felt she still loved him and if i found another girl to not waste time. I later found out from my roomate that she cofnessed to her after a night of drinking she was supposed to meet up with her ex boyfriend, she disliked my anabolic steroid use (i have since stopped), she disliked what they did to my skin, and she said i could not perform sexually that night. they continued to hang out and i would still hear from her every few days, but then i removed her from my facebook. She told my roomate "whatever floats his boat"..but she then texted me a few days later in an attempt to get me to respond. I of course did, and we hugn otu a few more times, btu she told me she felt no chemistry because she still loved her ex, but she could be my wing woman and we could be friends. I dont need a wing woman and i dont need extra female friends. She told me additionally she couldnt have sex for 4 months because she had a large amount of scar tissue removed from her cervix due to previous cerival cancer (the cervical cancer part is actually true, and so are her many DR appointments) but 4 months seemed kind of long...she told me we arent in a relationship but she asked me if i did have sex with other women to please be sure to wear a condom. How i translated it "im going to see if i can work it out with my ex, but if it doesnt i want you to still be clean"

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Continued...She still didnt know i knew she was supposed to meet up with her ex or the thigns she said about me..we made one final attempt at plans and she flaked out on me and i texted her "im sorry but i will not make plans with someone that cancels at the last minute..take care" she texted a few days later, in which case i didnt respond...Awkwardly enough i still have to see this woman, she goes to my gym. I saw her at the gym and texted her "this gym isnt big enough for the both of us ;] " ..trying to light hearted/joking...she replied "you aren't buff..you aren't ****!" i asked why she was actign that way..she told me because i thought i was too good to talk to her..i told her i knew about the lies and she said she didnt care i knew and to go lift weights it will make you feel better..i felt crushed by her statements, very hurtful. She called a few days later and we talked for a few mintues and i told her i didnt hate/dislike her and we could be friends to some degree..she said thats fine and i should even call or text here when i can..she told me she didnt feel i ever cared about her and thats why she acted the way she did (excuse?) i told her i was grabbing a drink the following day and she expressed interest in coming..she texted the following day but never showed..im just curious..was i being played the entire time? was i just revenege to get the ex back into the picture? someoen set me straight here

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