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Girl problem. What else is new?

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I know there's a ton of these threads already, but my situation is slightly different I think. I'll try and make this quick.


I started working at this place last September. There is this girl there that is seriously everything I have ever wanted in a girl, to the point where I was and sorta still am pretty intimidated by her and shy around her. Eventually, we started talking more and going out after work with co workers for drinks and such. It all happened kind of fast, and I'm not really sure how it happened, but we ended up texting every single day/all day. Literally every day for like 7 months. She initiated it all. This has been going on since then. We never hang out except when we are working/afterwards. Sometimes I'll ask her through text but it feels like she doesn't want to. Maybe she does, i dont know, I think we have been just trying to keep work seperate. Anyways, everyone at work thinks there is something between us cause we are always together, she says that I'm like her best friend (I know I know.), and sometimes she'll put her head on my shoulder or hold my hand and stuff like that but we've never kissed or anything. She has said that she "would never date anyone I work with". My friend at work thinks that means "friends with benefits", but I doubt it. I'm not her type at all, shes into the typical hipster tattooed band d-bags. Still, I can't help but think that there is something there. I mean, who texts somebody THAT much. I'm talking like thousands and thousands and thousands, almost always initiated by her. On the other hand, she doesn't really have any really really close friends, so that might explain it.


Let me cut to the chase. We went to this concert last week (not together, she took a friend and I took a friend). That day, I didn't really talk to her about it but I texted her beforehand while I was at a bar. About an hour later she texted me and asked where I was and it turns out I was at the bar next to the bar she was at. She also said she was wearing a dress, which is unusual for her. So after I finished my beer, me and my friend decided to go to her bar. I should clarify that my friend is a girl, but we are purely JUST friends. So we walked in and went to the ATM machine and I saw her across the bar. Trying to play it cool, I pretended not to see her and my friend said that she was looking over at us. Then, all of a sudden, she leaves. I waited a few minutes then went to the show. We walk in and see her and her friend inside and I introduce my friend and such. The girl I work with says the show was gonna start in 5 mins so I told her I was gonna grab a beer and I'll be right back (the bar in the club was literally 5 feet away). Of course, I turn around and shes gone. After the show, I see her outside and she seemed excited to see me but then started talking to her friend about going out after, but made no attempt to invite us along. Her friend invited us eventually so we went. On the way there, she starts saying how she doesnt like my friend (who she didn't talk to AT ALL), though she didnt quite say it like that, and she didn't say it in front of my friend or anything. She feels intimidated/threatened by girls a lot. I'll wrap this up. At the bar we are joking about each other being jerks and I brought up this time where I helped her when she was really drunk (long story). She sorta blew up on me and said "are you gonna hold that over my head forever?!?". I've never once brought it up before then. After she said that I ignored her, she moved chairs, and left soon after. I haven't really talked to her too much since then, which is strange for us.


So sorry for the length of this, I guess I'm pretty much asking: What's her deal? Was she mad at me cause I brought a girl? I can't really tell her how I feel cause we work together (and no I can't just find another job, its too good of a job) and I don't want to ruin anything. I'm mostly interested in what some girls on here think about this.

Edited by whoaisame
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