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I want my freind to be my girlfreind

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I posted this in the "dating" forum which I guess was wrong so I just want to repost it here, sorry I'm new:


I'm in a bit of a frustrating situation thats driving me crazy so this post might be long, sorry about this but I need advice.


I've known this girl for about 8 months, I met her through a mutual freind so theres usually 5 or 6 of us hanging out most nights. I've wanted to date her for most of the time that I've known her and I think she's always been into me.

Anyways,last saturday (06/04) a bunch of us were drinking at her apartment and four of us decieded to stay over, she told me to stay in her bed with her and everyone else stayed in her living room, I slept in her bed but didn't have sex because she was way more drunk then I was, and I care about her. We haven't talked about that at all, but have hung out a couple times since then.


Now I'm worried she might think I'm not interested in her at all, I don't want to be stuck being "just freinds" with her but I also don't want to make things awkward since we have quite a few mutual freinds. I should add that we have flirted with each other alot sober, so this wasn't just a onetime drunk incident.


Again, sorry for the length of this but advice would be awesome.

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It sounds like you don't need any advice at all. You did the right thing buy not sleeping with her.


So you still want some advice?


Go on a date with her. Just you and her.

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Agree with Dude on this one. You need to get her AWAY from that group, just the two of you. Go on a real date- dinner or lunch, someplace that isn't too quiet and someplace that won't kick you out the door the second after you finish your salad. See a lot of that here. (Flip those tables!)


If the weather's nice, can you do a picnic in a park? Nothing too unusual. But spend some time with her and let her know why you didn't "sleep" with her despite sharin a bed. She should understand and her respect for you should grow- if she has any sense.


So, ask her out. Take your time and get to know her. Remember this, if it doesn't work out, you may lose that whole group of friends. Did they all start out as YOUR friends or HER friends?

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Thanks guys, I've known two of our mutual freinds longer then she has, one of them I've known since we were kids. I've considered how it could make things weird for our group of freinds if it doesn't work out. It's a tough decision, but I want to see happens. I'm supposed to see her next weekend, but don't really want to wait that long. I think you guys are right, I need to take her out for lunch or dinner.

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