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I have a penpal for about 3 years now. How to keep it?

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How to keep the friendship? especialy in tough times. Like now i'm unemployed and what if i become homeless. then it's all over?


And also, what if she marries... then what? i'm not supposed to talk to her anymore?


Or are penpal relationships supposed to come to an end?


I've written alot and shared a lot of things it would be sad if it just stopped all of the sudden. I had another penpal friend long time ago and she just stopped once she found a BF without saying Bye or nothing.

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Hiya, sorry to hear you're going through tough times.

I'm sure your friend would understand if you were unable to contact her. You've been friends for a long time now.

As for if she gets married, well, people come and people go. That's a part of life. Sometimes things come to a natural end. Enjoy the times that she is here. I've found penpals find girlfriends/boyfriends, and disappear for a while. They still keep in touch though, even just occasionally. Life goes on.

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What if you become homeless? Public libraries have computers.


What if she marries? Look at Julia Childs. She was married and maintained pen pal relationships. The gender of the pen pal shouldn't matter.


People come and go from your life all of the time. Sometimes it's no big deal and sometimes it's sad. Don't think about it and enjoy your long distance friend. Who knows. The only question you didn't ask is "what if I lose interest?" The door swings both ways, after all.

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