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Chatting with her??

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Well...i got to know this wonderful gal over the net...

Everything went smooth, we chatted and i managed to get her pic...

and soon her number too...we do sms each other but nv chatted on the phone..


Actually I'mscare of calling her coz.....


I dun wan to bore her....i am afraid that i got nthing to chat with her...


CAn any 1 give mi some advice on how i should move from here?? how can i woo her ??

I feel that she's the One....need advice here..thankss :confused:

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I don't think you'll bore her on the phone, because you've got her attention at this point.


It sounds like you've already etablished a rapport with her, so take it from there on the phone. I really wouldn't hesitate to call her, since you've already progressed things to this level. He who hesitates is lost! :)

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One thing's for sure - you WILL bore her if you don't call and you stick to chatting on the net.


So, you've nothing to lose really! :)


Go get 'er tiger. :)



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