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Longdistance Relationship

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Hi I live in MIchigan and my Boyfriend lives in Ireland and i was just wondering what some of you thought about long distance relationships..... I just got back sat. from being there with him for 10 days it was wonderful!! But it is 7000 miles away and he doesnt have e mial or the internet or anything so we have to communicate thru letter which take 7 to 10 days to get there and outragous phone calls...... Another thing is that we are 9 year apart so i guess i was just wondering what all of you thouhg about my story please let me know thanx.

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I am also in a similiar type of situation. I recently got into a relationship with a guy who lives in florida. I am in Missouri. We talk daily and exchange emails. My delimma is that i am noyt sure about his feelings. He had some bad experience in the past and he is not willing to let him self go. I am so afaird that one thsi thing would end, since its so easy to break off in these situation. You stop sending emails and stop calling and it all over. Can anyone advice how to make this work. thanx

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First, Michigan is roughly half the distance from Ireland that you stated, unless your pilot was severely intoxicated...but that is pretty irrelevant at this point.


Unless you are planning to move to where he is or vice versa in the not to distant future, you are nothing more than penpals. I am glad you had a good time and, if there was some romance, you must really be into teasing yourself.


Unless the two of you can see each other in person far more often and have a bonafide, in person realtionship, it doesn't have a chance. Writing letters to a guy on another continent on Saturday night while other couples are having romantic interludes is not serving your human needs very well..in my opinion.


On the other hand, if you are terrified of relationships, this may be just what the doctor ordered. My vote is that if you are a healthy, red blooded lady with normal social drives, you need to connect with someone in your town or in a city nearby.

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