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Is there any hope for this ?

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Known this girl for over a year now, she's kinda shy like emotionally shy, reserved, rather than around people shy,we've mainly had a text relationship but she tended to see me a lot at my work place if she was out drinking, and we talked everyday over text and sometimes she would ring me and we'd talk for quite a long time. About 3 months of knowing her I told her I liked her and she said she wasn't looking for anyhing but was flattered. I tried to just forget her and move on but she still kept texting me even though I stopped.Things kept going and we seemed to get a lot closer. Recently I asked her if she wanted to go out sometime and she said yes. We went out had a great time but soon afterward things started to go down hill and the conversation went with it, however I decided to ask her to go out again she said yes but when the time came she bailed. It went further down hill from here



I was texting my friend telling her about the recent me and this girl because my friend said she would give me some advice, however the text I was meant to send to my friend I accidentally sent to the girl I like which it was about, this was the text said:


''She's eventually replied to me and the convo was wasn't great not snotty, just kinda normal and she kept putting xx on the end whereas I put none and I'm not sure what to think about it anymore, though I'm happy still''


She said ''what do you want me to reply ?" I said nothing it wasn't meant for you, and then we stopped talking, texted her a day later trying to explain the text but didn't really go that well, she said she didn't know what to say to it and we stopped talking again, I left a few days and decided to make one last attempt to sort things out,


i sent her a long text fully explaining everything and telling her I was asking for advice off a friend about the situation with me and her and that I liked talking to her and wanted to keep doing so, she replied saying she wasn't not talking to me she just didn't know what to say and didn't realize there was a problem. From there I tried to start a flowing conversation off.


Afterwards texting was rare, 2-3 times a day maybe, then she just stopped replying, its been over 2 weeks, Haven't heard from her or seen her, have seen her on Facebook recently at all either.


Don't get why she'd just cut me out her life over that, is there any hope ?

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It sounds like she just wasn't as interested as you from the start. If things keep going downhill when you are in touch with her, it's time to give up. Things should be happy, positive and flowing. Even despite sending her the wrong text (which was a mistake), she still wasn't that interested. It sounds like she went out with you, perhaps as a friend, to see if her feelings would change, but they haven't. I know it's not what you want to hear but it's time you looked out for someone who is not such hard work.

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