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anxiety in long distance relationship

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I recently got involved in a long distance relationship. The guys is always telling me that he cares for me, I am wonderful and he never met someone so similiar to him in the past. But he never mentioned love, never hinted marriage. He is very confused b/c of his bad experience in the past. All this makes me very depressed since I don't know whether there is something to look forward to. Does he cares enough for me to make this work or not. How do I find this out. I don't want to be very open with my feeling in case it freaks him out and he breaks it off. Can please someone advice me on this...thanx

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Long distance relations are extremely difficult. You wouldn't have these questions if he was in your proximity. There is simply no one that can answer your questions but him. But it sounds like this is not a good quality relationship, even if it's long distance.


In his defense, I can say that it doesn't sound like he's trying to use, manipulate or mislead you in any way. He doesn't say what he doesn't mean and that's a pretty good quality for anyone to have.


If I were you, I would just come out and ask him these questions. You say you're already very depressed so how much worse could it get? If you don't get the answers you want, he freaks and ends the relationship...wow!!!...maybe you could find someone to have a relationship where you are NOT depressed. And if you're really lucky, maybe you could have a relationship with someone who is close enough to cuddle, have nice in person conversations with, take walks with, go to the movies with, have candle light dinners with and so much more.


So what do you have to lose if this guy takes a hike?

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Some people find it hard to say "I love you," but they show it in their actions. But if you are in a long-distance relationship, it is hard to show actions. Words are easy to say, anyway, and some of the most insincere people I know find it very easy to say, "I love you." The problem with long distance is that you don't get to see the person in action. That is the true test of love.


But as far as mentioning marriage, it depends on how long you have been "seeing" each other. If he hasn't brought it up, it probably is not on his mind. It is not easy for a woman to bring this topic up because men feel pressured. That is why I find long-distance so frustrating. Because they are not really there for you.

I recently got involved in a long distance relationship. The guys is always telling me that he cares for me, I am wonderful and he never met someone so similiar to him in the past. But he never mentioned love, never hinted marriage. He is very confused b/c of his bad experience in the past. All this makes me very depressed since I don't know whether there is something to look forward to. Does he cares enough for me to make this work or not. How do I find this out. I don't want to be very open with my feeling in case it freaks him out and he breaks it off. Can please someone advice me on this...thanx
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