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What should i do?? My BF jealous!

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Hey Everyone!!! I have a question: How can i help my boyfriend not get soooo jealous, i know its natural, but i dont want to see him sad and not talk to me all the time. What can i do??? Please someone help me!!!! :([font=century gothic][/font][color=darkblue][/color]

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Have you tried talking to him? Find out why he feels like that and what can you do to help him not be so jealous. You can also tell him that he can trust you no matter what. He has no worries to worry about. Sound good eh?

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As hurtingandconfused said, the best thing you can do is talking to him about how he feels and why.

Are there any events/situations that trigger off his jealousy? You might want to find out about them, it could be helpful.

Like, you are an expansive, warm person and hug your friends a lot. Or you like to dress in a sexy way. Mind that I am not saying that you should, if this is the case, change your lifestyle or the way you are to make him feel less insecure.

But if it is small things that do not mean a lot to you that make him jealous, perhaps you might want to stop to do them to make him feel better.

Or perhaps just talikng about them with him could help a lot.

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Just how jealous are we talking here? BTW, I don't agree that jealousy is natural. A healthy person with confidence in their partner will rarely or never experience or display jealousy. If there is jealousy, it means either that one person is misbehaving, or that the other person has a suspicious and controlling mindset. I agree that you should not do anything extreme to trigger his jealousy, but it doesn't sound as if you are. If your behavior is correct, then the jealousy problem is really HIS - meaning he created it and must deal with it.


Do be careful about falling into a deal whereby you have to tie yourself in knots or start wearing a full body veil just to keep him from pouting and ignoring you. That is childish, punishing behavior and it gets worse as they get older.

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