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question about men

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If a man can't have an orgasm, does that mean he's unsatisfied with me or that he's getting it from another woman?

Or could it be anti-depressants or just stress? What if it happens on more than one occasion?

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Originally posted by seekerwithaquestion

Or could it be anti-depressants or just stress? What if it happens on more than one occasion?


It could be all of the above and about a million other things. But if he's on any kind of SSRI, than that would be a pretty good guess.


Have him see a doc.


And tell the doc everything that is going on....

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possible he's just spending a little too much time by himself.


Is he worried about this too, or is it just something you've noticed. Because talking to him might explain it if you haven't already done so.

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Originally posted by wideawake



But if he's on any kind of SSRI, then that would be a pretty good guess.


Have him see a doc.


And tell the doc everything that is going on....



Definitely, many anti-depressants have sexual side effects.

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Could be anything. Talk to him, that is the first step. I was on anti-depressants for a while and noticed zero sexual problems. Could be anything. Maybe he's thinking to hard about baseball.

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Originally posted by seekerwithaquestion

If a man can't have an orgasm, does that mean he's unsatisfied with me or that he's getting it from another woman?

Or could it be anti-depressants or just stress? What if it happens on more than one occasion?


If he is on medication that can be a cause. I was on Zoloft a few years ago and it was impossible for me to acheive orgasm while taking it.

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Don't jump to conclusions. Talk to him first, you should only suggest for him to see a doctor if he feels comfortable with it.

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He doesn't look at porn but he looks at other women in real life. jerk!


I did talk to him about it. He told me not to worry about it and it was just because there were too many people in the other room (he's got roommates). When we first met, it wouldn't take him any longer than ten minutes. Now it takes him forever and he be sweating and stuff. Could it be me? He just wants something new and fresh? He doesn't even look like he's enjoying it and he will not look at me while we're doing it!!! He turns away or closes his eyes.

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