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I'm becoming a Rolling Stones song!!!

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I think my boyfriend is trying to give me a nervous breakdown...or just keep me under his thumb. We have several problems that have been growing worse. I'll give a brief run down.


I know he has stress, job, bills, etc., but a little over a year ago, his personality changed. The change was so drastic, I actually started doing research into illnesses such as Alzheimer's to explain it. This isn't the man I fell for and moved in with. He used to be sweet, considerate, generous, gentle, loving, etc. Now he's selfish, childish, petty, manipulative, controlling, jealous and I just can't talk to him because IF he listens and doesn't make me repeat myself 12 times then he twists everything I say until I'm the villain and he's the helpless victim.


Yesterday I tried to talk to him about a few things: the way he twists the truth to meet his perspective, his stories about women who cause their men to cheat, his constant nagging and how it really isn't helping and he got all bent out of shape and started slamming around the house like a 2 year old having a tantrum. I finally just gave up and closed myself in the bedroom for the rest of the day to avoid him. It seems everytime I start to get ahead, he comes up with something that wipes out my savings and puts me right back on that sinking ship. I can't even afford to move out.


Nothing I do is ever good enough since he wants everything to be his way, even sex. It doesn't matter if I'm not in the mood, if he doesn't get it how and when he wants it, he again acts like a spoiled brat 2 year old until I give in. I'm at the point where I've lost most of my interest in sex because I know I won't enjoy it, that he'll cause me some pain and discomfort, and when it's over I'll just feel like I've been mauled or if I do start to enjoy it, he'll say or do something to end that. For example, he's always trying to get me to have anal sex and that's the one thing I will never cave in on. To hear him talk, I'm the only woman in the world who doesn't do it. He claims it's all in my head and that I'd really love it. Yeah, right.


Give me some ideas on how to talk to this man and maybe convince him to have an in depth check up.

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I don't know about you, but if someone treated me this way and did not respond to requests to discuss the problem or see a physician, to me it would be ultimatum time. You should not have to live this way so tell him to get checked or it's over. And keep some savings for yourself that he doesn't know about. You should not be held economic hostage to this jerk.

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