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will he call??


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ok, so i hooked up with my friends brother saturday night. we were both drunk and it was his birthday and she is fine about it and i know he has fancied me for a while. probably shouldnt have jumped into bed with him but its done now. i didnt have my phone on me so couldnt give him my number but i said to get it from his sis. i added him on fb yesterday and he accepted the invite. but i havnt had a message or anything yet and feel a bit stupid. is it too early to think he isnt interested? i dont want to send him a fb message in case i am rejected. we got on really well and i stayed over and i know yesterday he had family stuff but i dont know what to do from here. just out of a long relationship so new to all this stuff again

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he also seems like the kind of person that needs space so i dont wanna come across as a neurotic stalker. so not sure how to approach it. should i just wait for him

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He probably will not call.


One thing that women dont seem to ever understand is that just because a guy has sex with you doesnt mean he will be interested to have a relationship with you.


Sex for a man can have as much meaning as a handshake.


And also nothing chases a man away more than a woman who gets clingy after having sex.

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Honestly i have no idea. I do not know what day it is there but here it is monday. I mean hardly time to start worrying. I personally would have called the next day. But he might be playing the 3 days/one week rule. If i was you i would wait until maybe thursday. If he still hadn't called i would ring him up and invite him on a date. Don't ask him out on facebook. Hell i wouldn't even talk to a woman on facebook. Just call him thursday and invite him out for the weekend. Thats not really stalkerish at all. And if you are a grown woman you need to stop being so scared of rejection.

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i know sex doesnt mean a relationship but hoped he may want to see me again. he knows i have come out of a 6 yr relationship a few weeks ago so maybe that scares him. i think he feels a bit intimidated by me tbh. i will try and hold out till thurs and see what happens if anything!

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ok so he text on monday night just asking me how weekend went etc. i managed to hold out. then asked him if he wanted to meet up. he says he is free friday night. thats almost a week since we hooked up isnt it a bit long? and its gonna be with a group of us as we have mutual friends. dont know if this is just lazyness or he is proud! he seems like a total commitment phobe as well. maybe hes just not that into me lol. but it has only been one time it happened

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Take a chill pill and relax. A week is nothing. You need to take it slower with your own emotions as it seems you are ready to jump off a cliff. Relationships typically take months not minutes!


has anyone got a decent suggestion?
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thank you for the advice. not sure if much will come of this. just used to my ex clinging to me for 6 years from day 1! i guess i need to stop analysing things and relax!

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but it kinda annoys me that he wants to meet up in a group when they will probably be all drunk grrr....

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