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"Beautiful people only."

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What about a website for guys who don't care about being in a relationship and just want to use a girl for sex? Where do I go for that?

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Meh...my problem with sites like that is you know it's about shallow things.


Someone pointed out those "gold digger" sites where rich men and hot women "for sale" can join. This beautiful people site might guarantee those who get in "hot people", but let's also look at how many hot people are chronically single compared to average or even ugly folk.


I see loads of hot women who are chronically single and/or can't seem to get a guy who respects them and will commit, yet I see plenty of average and even ugly women get married.


It's not hard to see why so many of the "hot people" can't seem to find love. Some simply have bad luck, but many more are holding out for standards that no one can fill.

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I don't see a reason to be mad about this. Let the shallow people have their own corner and they can leave everybody else alone.

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:laugh: I remember reading about this site over a year ago...I had submitted a profile out of curiosity and was rejected. Naturally this just about destroyed my self-esteem. :rolleyes::laugh:
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Let them have their site. That way maybe they will stay off other sites where *I* may go to find people who are attractive for more than just their abs or surgically-enhanced face/body. :lmao:

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Provides screenshots of the 'beautiful' people you can find on this website. Along with what happens when you're rejected. Its a good read. :p


I'm not sure what this means, but I found none of the women on there beautiful in terms of physical appearance. In my opinion the voters on that website don't get the difference between hot and beautiful.


When looking for a girlfriend I go for beautiful, not hot. But then again I have quite a particular taste, so I don't think I'm a very good benchmark. Many if not most guys are looking for a curvy hot chick as a girlfriend, so for those guys that website might work.

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There are those among us with very simple tastes. They only want the best and for them there can only be BeautifulPeople.com, the gourmet meat market. Exceptionally moist. Uniquely delicious. For gourmet taste to satisfy even the most discriminating connoisseurs. BeautifulPeople.com. Good taste is easy to recognize.

My usual question comes back as the reply to anyone who thinks like that:


"So how's that working out for you?"


If one is content being alone, then it's all good. If one has "find someone and get married" as a priority in life, then shopping the gourmet counter won't mean much if the met spoils too quickly before you can get it home.


All I see are plenty of men who lament on how they're stuck choosing between some hot piece of tail who has no brain and is working a teenager's job at age 25...or picking some fat or bland looking woman who has a brain and career, but doesn't look "awesome" in a tight miniskirt with heels.


I see loads of women who complain to death how there's no "decent men" because they can't seem to find someone who is "hot", faithful, and wants to commit/marry/have a family. They'll reject loads of bland "nice men" because they don't set their hormones on fire, but get pumped and dumped by plenty of hot successful guys who feel hot easy women are a dime a dozen.


Standards are only good to have if you can attain them in a mate.

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Oh yeah, I remember this website. I think the most ingenious part about it is that it's also pretty expensive.

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I'm not sure what this means, but I found none of the women on there beautiful in terms of physical appearance. In my opinion the voters on that website don't get the difference between hot and beautiful.


When looking for a girlfriend I go for beautiful, not hot. But then again I have quite a particular taste, so I don't think I'm a very good benchmark. Many if not most guys are looking for a curvy hot chick as a girlfriend, so for those guys that website might work.


On second thought I might have been too generalizing there in more than one way. Personality can also make someone look physically more attractive in the eye of the beholder and that's something you can't get a sense of from a picture.

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Watch this short instructional video, sit back, and ponder about taking the Internet too seriously.


I feel cheated by the lack of instructions in the instructional video.


Can I have my 30 seconds back, please?

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It's so ridiculous. I can't wait till each one of these members gets wrinkles, then they'll have to run to get plastic surgery, or suffer. :lmao:


Nah, they'll just join Synergy, LOL! :lmao:

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Last year, about 5,000 members were booted from the website because they appeared to have gained weight over Christmas.
This cracked me up!! :lmao:


I'll never understand online dating. This site is no better or worse than all the other dating sites. Catalogue shopping for meat.

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That's why the people who start those dating services need to think in 180 degree terms... instead of always going for beautiful, successful singles, they could attract a lot more customers by going for ugly people and failures! :lmao:

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I agree with those responding that it's no big deal.


Don't like it, turn the channel. Enough with the righteous indignation.

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The irony is that the two guys that formed this site are f'uglies themselves.


I can't tell for sure, but I don't think they started the website with themselves as the target group in mind. They saw a problem on other dating websites, thought they had a solution, found demand for their "solution" and are now quite probably multi-millionaires for it.


They're kind of harsh when they boot and exclude so many people from their website, but in their eyes they're protecting their business model. Many people would say they suffer from the Mark Zuckerberg syndrome, i.e. being @ssholes for it. But are they @ssholes or are they misunderstood? Who's to say.

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Provides screenshots of the 'beautiful' people you can find on this website. Along with what happens when you're rejected. Its a good read. :p



If this is the cream of the crop, I'm convinced the site's a sham. There's no way it could legitimately maintain such exclusivity otherwise (80% of applicants rejected??). More than half of the people in those pics are passable at best. :confused:

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I can't tell for sure, but I don't think they started the website with themselves as the target group in mind. They saw a problem on other dating websites, thought they had a solution, found demand for their "solution" and are now quite probably multi-millionaires for it.


They're kind of harsh when they boot and exclude so many people from their website, but in their eyes they're protecting their business model. Many people would say they suffer from the Mark Zuckerberg syndrome, i.e. being @ssholes for it. But are they @ssholes or are they misunderstood? Who's to say.


Hey I'm not knocking it, I just think it's funny that they formed a site based really on looks alone, yet are ugly themselves. They, at the end of the day, are the ultimate judges when they decide to boot people. I just think if you're going to form a site like this, it probably helps if you are a looker yourself. But, hey, they're laughing all the way to the bank with this latest PR stunt so again, not knocking it.

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Lady vs Panda

My sister joined that site a while ago and was trying to get me to join it with her. I warned her that the only men she'd meet that way would be cocky douchewads. Judging by the guy she's dating now, I was correct. But then she's a sweet girl but pretty shallow herself so she's not looking for anything deep right now anyway.

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If this is the cream of the crop, I'm convinced the site's a sham. There's no way it could legitimately maintain such exclusivity otherwise (80% of applicants rejected??). More than half of the people in those pics are passable at best. :confused:
Wow, you have a high standard for looks. Hope you meet your own standards!
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I joined it years ago just to see if I could get in. I never used it for dating, but did go to a couple of their "events" and actually met some very nice people, a few of which became good friends. Those particular people didn't use it for dating either, and actually tended to laugh at those who were thinking they'd find "the one" through the site. In my opinion it isn't that user friendly as a website, but it's an interesting novelty. The people I liked I connected with on facebook and that's how we keep up with each other nowadays.

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Wow, you have a high standard for looks. Hope you meet your own standards!



I don't have any unusually high standards for looks. I just don't casually toss around the word "beautiful" as a descriptor.


There's a difference between "hot" and "beautiful" and IMO, only about a quarter of the women in those pics fit the latter description (I'd speak on the men too but there's only 2 tiny pics on display). The rest look like average women playing dress up w/ a lot of makeup and hair extensions. That may be enough to look hot but it doesn't cut it as "beautiful" for me.


On a site touting an 80% exclusion rate, I expect to see people who are out of the ordinary stunners, not just carbon copies of a look virtually any woman with a decent face & body can achieve. <<shoulder shrug>>

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If you don't think those girls are in the top 20%, you clearly haven't spent much time on regular dating sites...

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