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I feel stupid about this


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well i have been getting to know this girl and really starting to like her a lot. the problem i have is that i dunno if she is really interested in me. she is intelligent, athletic,populat, etc, and i dunno if i would be her "type" since i am just one of those mid-level jocks. i guess call it fear of rejection, but i only really talk to her online and not at school so i could really use some advice on how to approach her....advice from a few women would be really helpful, thanx..

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Well Eric,most people would tell you to be yourself,relax and just ask her out.


I won't tell you what to ask her out to.But here's some tips that will help if you do ask:


1) Don't expect too much.Don't try to win her over in ten minutes.Just try to get to know her a little bit better,and try to make a good impression.Be sure to double check your grooming since women notice that right away.Be warm and friendly,and don't try to pressure her to a date in ANY WAY!Remember NO PRESSURE.It will turn her off if you try too hard.


2) Don't show fear or weakness.I'm not saying you won't be nervous,I'm saying don't show it even if you're scared out of your wits! Look her in the eye when you ask.


3) Don't ask her out to something that depends on a certain time,like a concert.She might be busy then and have to say no to you.Ask her to something you can plan around both your schedules.And be sure,to ask her to something she will feel comfortable.It's VERY important that she feel comfortable with date.If you can,try to take her where she can be with her friends or to something she enjoys doing while on the date.It puts less pressure on you to "entertain" her,and makes it easier for both of you to have a good time.


4) At all times,in asking her out ,BE A GENTLEMAN.Be courteous,be polite even if she says no.No matter what her answer is,show some class.


5)Don't take it personally if she says no.There could be a lot of reasons why she would,and none of them your fault.Remember,just because she won't go out with you,doesn't mean another girl somewhere wouldn't.It's not


the end of the world if she says no.


6)If she says "yes" and things work out,you have to buy a pizza and a six pack of rootbeer to the guy who told you about the first five rules.This is very important! :)

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It doesn't take a lot to get us to fall for a guy.


- One man impressed me by catching my eye and smiling as I walked by. He had an interesting magazine that easily became the conversation opener. (Hint: carry a conversation opener)


- One man disarmed me by a charming sense of humor when he fumbled a couple books he was carrying. He caught me watching, smiled, and made a cute joke. Then we talked a bit about the books.


- One man at work has won my gratitude because he goes out of his way to visit my office. There's no romance involved at all, but I have come to really enjoy his company because he remembers things I've mentioned. It makes me feel important to be recognized that way.


Guess I'm saying that it just takes a little humor, a little generosity in time, and a little body language to make the girl feel nice about herself. Don't go for anything big, just approach her and start a conversation on something she may be interested in... then remember the things she tells you. Make her feel important and she will enjoy being with you.


As far as the first invitation... perhaps mention an activity or a place you enjoy and see if she sounds interested. If she expresses interest, then invite her to join you. I had one wonderful date when a friend invited me to ride along as he returned books to the library. We spent an evening there reading to each other.


Just have fun, be yourself, and show genuine interest in her.


well i have been getting to know this girl and really starting to like her a lot. the problem i have is that i dunno if she is really interested in me. she is intelligent, athletic,populat, etc, and i dunno if i would be her "type" since i am just one of those mid-level jocks. i guess call it fear of rejection, but i only really talk to her online and not at school so i could really use some advice on how to approach her....advice from a few women would be really helpful, thanx..
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