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Does Southern Accent Turn You Off?


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Sooo, there is a similar rivalry between the north & south in England as their is between the south east U.S. and... well every where else? :)


Yup, firing friendly potshots over the Watford Gap is part of our culture.


It seems most of us over here do have a fondness of your southern accents. I reckon if you asked anyone here to mimic an American, the resulting yodel will likely offend everyone from Georgia to Texas.

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Don't think I've heard a Southern accent in person, but they can be cute. Don't think too much about accents.


I live in California and I've heard someone say that I have a California accent, I thought what is a California accent??

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Yup, firing friendly potshots over the Watford Gap is part of our culture.


It seems most of us over here do have a fondness of your southern accents. I reckon if you asked anyone here to mimic an American, the resulting yodel will likely offend everyone from Georgia to Texas.


My wife is a born southerner and we have come to an agreement, I won't embarrass her by attempting a southern accent & she wont try to speak with anything but a southern accent anymore :laugh:. I have noticed her accent varies, if she's talking to her father or sister it gets pretty heavy otherwise I barely notice it. She normally has a very proper, sweet southern accent unless she gets angry or upset and then she sounds more... rural (?), a bit more like Reba McEntire, if your familiar with her. When we first met I wasn't familiar with southern accents and there where a few words she did have to spell for me :D

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LMAO – oldguy, it's the terminology that kills me every time ... "fixin-to," "reckon," etc ... I hang out with my husband and I start talking like an Alabaman. I visit my old stomping grounds and I've got a bit of a Tex-Mex accent, though I do admit that when I get mad, the mexicana comes out when I try to talk :p

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I was out in your part of the world shortly after my wife died. I knew a fella In Boerne who said he could find me work. First night there I walked a real rough old spit and sawdust bar (my kind of place back then). On hearing my cockayne the girl behind the bar said "Welcome to Hell, Honey". Way she said it put the first genuine smile on my face in a long time. Warmed the cockles of my heart.

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