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What do I do?

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well... some of you may recall my post back in the summer and fall over a breakup i had with now my ex again.


well.. she broke up with me again and through a text message again.

this time i was a lot stronger and handled it a bit better. I haven't talked to her in a month because I have been on my power trip where i say, I dont need her anymore, she doesn't love me, yada yada yada.

So now, this past week, she emails me and tells me how much I meant to her, i will always have a piece of her heart, she still loves me and that i'm an amazing guy.

i didn't respond because i had no clue what to say. she hit me with another email 6 days later, sorta putting on a guilt trip saying that i didn't e-mail her back, all i did was forget about her and once again, that she still loves me, i'm an amazing guy, etc....

yea, cool... i guess. BUT! She has a new boyfriend! I dont know what she is trying to accomplish. What is her deal? SHe wants to meet up sometime and talk. She told me about 4 times already in the past week she misses me. I just dont know what to do. A part of me says, dont turn around and the other part says you're still in love with her. I honestly dont know how i'm still in love with her after the bs she put me through and some of the things she said. What should i do?

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it finished by text message...jeez i thought it was bad enough that i got dumped by phone....well it was as she dumped me two weeks after i took her to paris

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Its over. Its going to hurt for a while. But you gave her a second chance and she treated you horribly. Console yourself by knowing that you are a great guy and remind yourself that you do deserve better.


Block her emails and don't look back. If she insists on contacting you (shows up where you work or something), tell her that its over, she lost, and that for your own recovery you wish to cease all contact. Wish her well and tell her not to contact you anymore. If she pitches a fit or causes a scene or something then just walk away. It won't be easy, but you have to do it for yourself.

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