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I think he's trying to play games, what do yall think?

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I broke it off with this guy I dated for abar a month, after a girl repeatedly acted flirty with him. Well more than flirty, I think. She would joke "Oh I love you Dan!" in the lecture we have together...in front of ME. And then had the nerve to look to see what my reaction would be to her comment.


Later, the guy and I went to a lecture given by a guest speaker and this girl was there, she hugged him close on the way in...and then on the way out, she hugged him close AGAIN almost to the point of snuggling, and was like "ookie by sweetie pie" ---I was just shocked, why is this girl calling my BF sweetie, and why is she all over him like this?


Wouldnt a good guy at least say something like - "sorry bout that, she's a wierd girl" or "hey she was out of line" or SOMETHING to let me know that he didnt in fact LIKE this attention from this girl?


Well he didnt. He almost acted like I was overreacting, and kept trying to say that this girl in question was in fact a lesbian, (meaning that I have nothing to worry about from her??) I know one of his friends is a lesbian, but come on, im not thick - not ALL his friends that are girls are lesbians!


So I dumped him. He acted like I broke his heart- when in fact he broke my heart every time she touched him, called him sweety, and flirted with him. Yes I told him her behavior bothered me, but he dismissed my feelings and thats why I dumped him. So its a month later now, and he says he has a gf. and I have a new bf...yet today he's acting all nice, givin me a hug, wants to take me to dinner tonight? and invited me to his birthday bash?


Im confused, is this guy just messing with my head or what! A different perspective on the situation would help :) Thanks in advance ya'll.

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average guy

I think it would boil down to a simple act - if he didn't acknowledge you at all during or after being hugged by this girl, then he was probably a little too into it. If he politely pushed her away and put his arm around you instead (or introduced you if you hadn't been introuced) then I would say he was dealing with an uncormfortable situation the best he could. It's very hard to tell without being there and seeing his reaction.


However, your "gut" reaction or instinct probably tells it all and if you "feel" broken hearted every time she touched him and he did nothing to stop you from feeling that pain, then it is probably best that you don't stick around for more pain. Even if this other woman is a coniving bitch who is trying to steal your bf, let her have him if he wasn't going to treat you with the respect you deserve!


Best wishes :)



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Not sure...


If he was into the flirting with her...then maybe it meant something


On the other hand...he may be a flirty guy (like me) in which case it is habit for us (with or without a girl)


Plus you are too soon in this relationship to be that worried about flirting...


If you guys had been together a little longer maybe then you would have a valid argument


I think you may have jumped the gun


but...your heart told you to do it so...I cant argue that


Please reply to my post when you get a chance...



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