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Garden Wedding ideas..........got any?

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As most of you already know I am planning a Celtic theme garden wedding for next June. We will be doing some landscaping this summer. We are tring to make the bush/wooded area behind our house into a woodland garden. We have already cut alot of the overgrown shrubs and little trees. We are keeping the large trees and will be putting in about 4-5 truck loads of topsoil to level the area out.


I will be making a few flowerbeds. We will be having the ceremony in a clearing facing the wooded area. I was thinking about making a patio area with flat rock and having an arbour where we will be standing at the ceremony. We will also have a large tent in the backyard. We also have a small pond in our side yard.


What I would like to know is if anyone is into gardening, landscaping or if you have been to a garden wedding do you have any ideas for decorating the outdoors. I have been doing searches on the net but there has only been a couple of things that caught my eye. Thanks for any ideas that you may have.

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I've been to a garden wedding. All I can say is - don't forget to turn off the timer and completely shut off the sprinkler system if you have one.

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I don't know about up there in Ontario, but here we have awful mosquitoes. If its a problem, get some Yard Guard and spray heavily before the wedding, or citronella candles.

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I'll check around and see what I come up with. Since you have a pond, you could put one of those sprinkly water fountains in it (probably just rent one). If the festivities are going into the evening, put those tiny twinkly lights everywhere.


Sprinkly twinkly..... :laugh: How corny!

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I had a celtic backyard wedding! It was very pretty...

my mom took silk roses and tied them in the bushes so it looked like they were huge rose bushes.

We used a lot of white christmas lights, and a lot of the cheap netting in different colors.

We had tons of the tiki torches with mosquito repellent (not a good idea if there will be kids there) When we lit them the litte ones ran up and shook them, Look fire! so they didn't last long.


We just went with a lot of natural decors too, rock, wood, greenery... It ended up having a very earthy feel...


Do you have your vows planned??? I used the vows on the internet for a handfasting, and modified them to fit our needs.

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Wow echocrush your wedding sounds exactly like what we are wanting. We were thinking of the tiki lights or the sandbag tealights. I love the idea of silk roses in the bush. There is one really shruby tree right beside where the ceremony is. It's kind of an ugly bush but the birds love it so we won't cut it. I hope you don't mind but I may steal that idea with the silk roses.


We are having a nondenomiational wedding with a handfasting. We are having an officant from the city coming to marry us and we have picked one of there ceremonies.


Yes arabess we have a provincial bird called the mosquito up here to. That is one thing that has me worried as well. Behind our property there is a creek and we have some cedar trees in the bush a wonderful breeding ground for the blood suckers. I was thinking of lanterns with citronella oil as centerpieces. The tent has flaps that come down in case of rain or swarms of blood suckers. We have a small fountain in our pond that sprays water about 3 feet on the air, it's really cool. All it's a submerisable pump (our extra in case the one in the basement fails, might as well put it to use).

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I am into doing flowers, and I love good landscaping.


I know where I live, you can have a nursery come out and do a design for you. What they do is they tell you what to plant, and where to plant it...kind of like of an architectural design, etc. You will need to know which flowers/plants grow best to where you are planting them according to the sun light and all (I'm sure you knew that, though!)


I don't know what your budget is, but a gazebo would be gorgeous, and that could be in place of the alter.


Anyway, this sounds fun!


P.S. To have the nursery come out and do a script for what to plant and where to plant is approximately about $100.

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Carla...I recently saw an article about an outdoor celtic wedding in cosmo or something. I'll see if I can fish it out and get back to you.


From memory...lots of flower and vine style decorations around things...like the silk roses...they had some big candles in nice iron holders which added to the feel of things. Lots of earthy tones. It all sounds great to me.


They even had the guests dress in the celtic theme which looked wonderful...but might be a bit tricky for you, depending on who you invite!

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Thanks thinkalot. I'm just going to let my guests wear what they want. Casual attire as everything will be outdoors, and it maybe hot. My bouquet is going to be a bright assortment of colours to go with the garden theme and my maid of honour will be in a sage or moss green.


I just wish that I could invite all of my LS friends.

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Gee Moimeme you are the best search engine yet. I can dream that my garden will look like that by next year. Right now it is wooded area that is full of pot holes that are drowning in water with big root stumps sticking up from the ground, but it does have potential.

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It should be lots of fun getting your backyard ready...what a cool project to have going!

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DON'T mow the lawn like the day before. People are going to become itchy. Give the lawn at least a week to rest.

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i wish you lived in Florida, Our company dose a really nice decrotive concrete coating you can do whatever you want cobble stone patterns, SLate, you can even in-script names in to ponds, walkways, ect. Look in your area for a company that dose stamped or Textured walkways and patios It's awesome and last's a lifetime. The concrete Network is good in the US I don't know if they have contractors in Canada. It's inexpensive, easy to keep us with and really gives your elegant touch.

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I would plant tons of flower bulbs/tubers that typically will bloom in your area at the time. Maybe iris', and lillies of various types. Maybe even late blooming tulips. You could also plant them in lots of pots for around your patio. They should be planted in the fall. And these will be a great reminder of your wedding each year they come up again.

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Originally posted by Azuresky

I would plant tons of flower bulbs/tubers that typically will bloom in your area at the time. Maybe iris', and lillies of various types. Maybe even late blooming tulips. You could also plant them in lots of pots for around your patio. They should be planted in the fall. And these will be a great reminder of your wedding each year they come up again.


What a lovely suggestion. :)

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