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Men..men.. men

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Hey Lizzie welcome back!

Lizzie is hot....some of us have seen pictures of her...lots of pictures. This is an established fact, if I dare say so.

Those of you who are raining on her parade are just jealous...those of you claiming you are attractive-well..pictures, lots of them or you are delusional :rolleyes:!

Lizzie, men find you attractive and like any other compliment enjoy it... no one knows what his relationship was with the lady he was with ...so...


Yes... a GILF. :laugh:


Look, nobody is going to get all jealous of meaningless attention from some douchebag. He probably got a number from some obese bottle blond 20 minutes before that. Plus... what kind of clown tries to get numbers in front of his GF/W?


Bottom line... it isn't really a compliment.

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Yes... a GILF. :laugh:


Look, nobody is going to get all jealous of meaningless attention from some douchebag. He probably got a number from some obese bottle blond 20 minutes before that. Plus... what kind of clown tries to get numbers in front of his GF/W?


Bottom line... it isn't really a compliment.


Don't know what GILF is... but whatever..the point is whether it was a "meaningless attention from a douche" is not the point. And the bolded part is just speculation on you part therefore is immaterial.


What kind of clown indeed..I think that is in essence the OP's queston. What kind of a man would do this? I say, who cares what kind of a man he is, just enjoy the compliment-and move on....


BTW, per OP he was an attractive man. Attractive men do not (usually) go for "obese bottle blond" women-not the ones that I know, anyway.

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Yes... a GILF. :laugh:


Look, nobody is going to get all jealous of meaningless attention from some douchebag. He probably got a number from some obese bottle blond 20 minutes before that. Plus... what kind of clown tries to get numbers in front of his GF/W?


Bottom line... it isn't really a compliment.





My sentiments exactly....

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