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No Contact / Separated Parents? I can't seem to get this down.

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I broke up with my ex 7 months ago. I'm attempting to keep her as far away from me as I can but she still texts me and calls me because of our daughter. I must admit, when I get phone calls from her I still get excited and my heart skips a beat but it's only my daughter on the phone to tell my good night. I hear my ex in the background telling her.


"Say Good Night to Daddy." Then hanging up the phone after my daughter is done speaking. My daughter is 3 years old by the way. Living with her mother in their new apartment.


With my past relationships that weren't all that serious. I would just lose their numbers and never see them again. My daughter throws in a whole new dynamic I've never thought of. I have to talk to her mother because we choose to value each other's opinions in how we raise our daughter but I just can't seem to move on. Every interaction gives me hope, even though I know it's only so she doesn't seem like a bitch keeping her daughter from her father.


Another point I left out. Her mother cheated on me, from what I can tell.... Quite a few times. I'm not taking her back. I just need advice on how to move on and still be a father while communicating with her mother occasionally to see if we're on the same page on parenting issues. Please help me.

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Z, this is a bit confusing to me also. I am separated, with children. I have been reading a lot of these posts about no contact just recently. In theory, it makes sense to keep the communication to only necessities, so we can clear our emotions a bit, and use our logic to make decisions. Great. Yet with kids we must be in contact. My stbx still wants to hear about their day, and talk about their games, etc. Yuck. I think I am going to try to plan my mental state before talking with him. Possible? ha

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What you need is cozi.com. It's a joint calendar on which you both post information about your daughter. Completely removes the need to speak to her.

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Unfortunately, no contact is nearly impossible.


My xH is certainly not my favorite person in the world, but I have to speak with him because we have children together. They live with me, so when they are with me our conversations are few and far between because he rarely calls... but when they are with him I call daily to tell them good night. We really have no desire to be friends, but we both agree it's healthier for the kids to remain civil with each other.


What a mess. I hope you can get something resolved, it's definitely not something we all enjoy dealing with.

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I've been divorced since '07. My ex hub and I have always communicated when it comes to our son. He now has a new g/f and he won't respond to me in no way. He has our son drive to his house to see him. He won't come over here. Answer my text. NOTHING. I too have a b/f and I would never just totally ignore him, like he does me. Does anyone have any advice for me?



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