LeeisGone Posted April 20, 2004 Share Posted April 20, 2004 [font=arial][/font][color=darkblue][/color] Hi im a 19 year old guy from Louisville, Ky. This is the first message i've ever posted. I would like feedback because i feel so alone, and just don't know what to do. I just recently broke up with my ex-girlfriend Lee. She really didnt give me a valid explanation why she wanted our relationship to end. I later found out that she was seeing a very good friend of mine behind my back for a few weeks. This hurt me in many ways..... I lost the one true love of my life, my best friend, and a good buddy of mine, not to mention the other family that i was attached to. My ex and I were together for 2 years and roughly 7 months. She ended our relationship about a month ago. I though i was finally over her and then it really hit me hard. I still pray for her everynight, and wonder what she's doing, who she's with, if she misses me, or regrets breaking up w/ me. I find myself always thinking of her, and lieing awake late at night looking through old photos and listening to our favorite songs. I don't think I'll ever get over her. The pain is too much to bare. I miss the smell of her hair, the touch of her skin, and the hours i used to look into her eyes. I feel so alone, and worthless. I know i didn't do anything wrong. I never cheated on her, and gave my everything into our rerlationship. She has to still love me, doesn't she. I feel like half a man now, and my world is now empty and cold. I've tried to date around, but something always reminds me of her. A song, the way she would smile, a laugh, pretty much anything. I am going crazy inside my head, and i wish that the love of my life would realize what she had and come running back, i would do anything for her to come back into my life. I met her in church and now i cant even go there, because of all the pain. I've tried tallking to her a few weeks ago but she doesnt even want to talk or communicate. I miss her so much, Im dieing inside. Please someone help me! Link to post Share on other sites
Debster Posted April 20, 2004 Share Posted April 20, 2004 Sometimes when someone meant a lot to you, it takes a long time to get over them. But believe me, you will. I've had my heart broken many times, so I know that it hurts. Spend time with your friends, find a hobby, and realize that yes, right now it hurts. But it will get better. Link to post Share on other sites
Becks84 Posted April 20, 2004 Share Posted April 20, 2004 Get your butt in church! And I'm glad to hear you're praying, but I think you should pray more for strength and wisdom rather than for her to come back. Maybe she is not suppose to come back. It's the last thing you want to hear, believe me I know. But you have to try your hardest to have an open heart and mind about why this is happening. I've been going through a lot lately with my boyfriend, and I have found comfort in my faith. I trust in God, as you need to do, that he knows what he's doing and he's got a plan. I also believe everything happens for a reason, and those reasons are often not known to us until way after the fact. You have tried to communicate with your ex, and that's all you can do. This matter is just simply out of your hands for the most part. I'll leave you with these two wise quotes and an important prayer; think about them. "Ask and you shall recieve" {I don't mean to say ask for your girlfriend back, but ask for strength, courage, help, and wisdom.} "Some of God's greatest gifts are unanswered prayers" "God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference" Best of luck! ~Becks Link to post Share on other sites
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