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The Omega Male, and why women should go for them

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The way the OP described it, the difference between an alpha male and an omega male sounds to me like the difference between Conan the Barbarian and Gandalf the Wizard.


I guess it could be said that alpha males are histrionic but omega males are not... alphas need reassurance that they're Mr. Big, but omegas could hardly care less what others think of them. OTOH when omegas become trolls, they feed themselves. :eek:


I'm definitely an omega. Propaganda by the deed, baby. ;)

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I kinda agree with what you are saying here but I'm not sure it really debates to the topic at hand.


What I'm basically saying is that by the definitions I have posted, I am damn near 100% Omega. I have no issues attracting women, I'm in great shape, I am financially stable, have a sense of humor, and I'm rather intelligent.


90% of my dating experiences have gone like this: I choose to pursue a woman, and once she gets to know the real me, she freaks out. she starts assuming I am a player, that I am going to manipulate her, that I will get tired of her and leave, that she isn't ready for the kind of commitment (it's especially funny when I hear **** like that within a week of knowing her and relationship discussions haven't even hit the table yet).


I am not manipulative and I am not unfaithful. Just because it may seem like I have a lot of options does not mean I'm gonna pursue every single one, or even half of them. There's no need to worry about me being unfaithful because I go through this BS with the large majority of women I meet. And I know I am not the only one because many of the guys I know that are like me go through the same issues.


That's really the point of this thread. It isn't really an alpha/beta/omega pride discussion. What I am basically saying is that these kinds of fears women have are basically unfounded.


I don't think it has anything to do with alpha or omega. I think it more just says those women were not right for you.


If it seems to be a pattern, then change up things. Change who you pursue. I used to chase outgoing party girls, but ended up with a wonderful homebody who never went out partying.

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"Omega" is really not the right term to describe the kind of man you are talking about. In animal packs, the omega male is a misfit and hanger on who exists on the fringes on the group and is treated like crap by the rest. He is completely submissive and subsist on the scraps that the others don't want. In the human society, a typical example of an omega male would be a homeless person.


The type of man you are describing is more appropriately labeled as the "Lone Wolf". He exists outside of the group (not on its fringes) and does so by choice. He prefers to rely on himself and does not need a social circle as a source of support. A typical example of the Lone Wolf is Clint Eastwood's character in most of his movies.

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God, WHY do you people need to have every person ordered in some poorly defined taxonomy?? You are NOT ethnobiologists, we are NOT primates, and social evolution means none of us are easily reduced to primitive categories, however much you'd like that, or how convenient it'd make your life!


Please, FFS!


I am an attractive, intelligent, cruel, loving, cultured, blunt, artistic, dumb, pessimistic, cynical, positive, humourous, sensitive, strong and weak man. I have a capacity to be all of these things.


I am not 'beta', 'alpha', or whatever the hell has been dreamt up this week to put people - infinitely complex people - in a tidy little box.

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^ Well said, Dusk!


I do know that I am a socially anxious male, and those don't tend to do well with the ladies. That is my only failing, though.


I am probably alpha, omega, AND beta. I have been all three at different points in my life.

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Queen Zenobia
I would kill myself if I had to act like Clint Eastwood to get girls.


Why? Clint Eastwood isn't all cowboy movies and "get off my lawn!" type roles. He's played some very loving characters over the years, just with that "lone wolf" spin to it. His role in Space Cowboys is a perfect example.

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Why? Clint Eastwood isn't all cowboy movies and "get off my lawn!" type roles. He's played some very loving characters over the years, just with that "lone wolf" spin to it. His role in Space Cowboys is a perfect example.


I am probably more like the kindly nerd than the tough jock, though.


People call me sweet in real life.

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I am probably more like the kindly nerd than the tough jock, though.


People call me sweet in real life.

You sound like every woman's ideal...BFF.

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Queen Zenobia
I am probably more like the kindly nerd than the tough jock, though.


People call me sweet in real life.


Switch the adjectives, be the "tough nerd".

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God, WHY do you people need to have every person ordered in some poorly defined taxonomy?? You are NOT ethnobiologists, we are NOT primates, and social evolution means none of us are easily reduced to primitive categories, however much you'd like that, or how convenient it'd make your life!


Please, FFS!


I am an attractive, intelligent, cruel, loving, cultured, blunt, artistic, dumb, pessimistic, cynical, positive, humourous, sensitive, strong and weak man. I have a capacity to be all of these things.


I am not 'beta', 'alpha', or whatever the hell has been dreamt up this week to put people - infinitely complex people - in a tidy little box.


<Slow clap>

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It's a discussion forum. New interpersonal science breakthroughs are not being made here. Enjoy :)


. He was ~74 at that point, so a 'geezer'. The referenced film is a great example of a non 'Dirty Harry' role, of which he's had many.
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sounds like 'omega' is just a repackaged alpha, with alpha redefined as beta--and beta being anything but alpha or omega :confused:


I agree. Basically the description sounds like the aspiration of a reasonably well adjusted and confident person who has enough intelligence and social awareness to not want to come across as some "am I an alphamale?" wanker.

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Act like Clint Eastwood? You mean like this?



Or Maybe like Lee Marvin here...



Paint that wagon good boys.


Seriously though. I think that this OP has it right. Don't try to be the leader of some pack of shallow hangers on. Just be you, have a hard core of friends (and family) to hell with everyone else.

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Feelin Frisky

I've always hated that people fear me because of my height and intensity. If they only knew who I really am they'd treat me like Jimmy Stewart in "It's a Wonderful Life" and say "Hi George Jim" and make nice every other moment. But so often when I'm in big social setting I feel like Gulliver.

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I am probably alpha, omega, AND beta. I have been all three at different points in my life.

well i'm creating a new class called Lambda men who exhibits behaviours of alpha, omega, and beta men combined.

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Queen Zenobia
This thread is starting to read like 'Revenge of the Nerds' ;)


At least no one's brought up the Charlton Heston movie...

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