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Tired of the phone calls

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Well, I've been here before and pretty much about the same thing! Sunday evening I spent the night at my boyfriends. He and I have been dating for about 1 1/2 years. When I woke up on Monday I went to get the phone to call him at work. I looked to see if he had called that morning to get our kids off to school and he had. But not long after that his ex girlfriend which is also his next door neighbor called at 6: something in the morning. So I saw he had a new msg so I listened to it. She asked him to stop off on his way home from work and pick up some medicine for her cat. I thought that was strange! If there isn't a relationship going on then why are you calling him for something like that. Anyway I was upset, pissed off rather! Shaking and didn't know what to do! This isn't the first time. She calls quite often! And I've told him in the past one day I'm going to call her! So, I did! I called from his home phone! She answered I told her who I was and by the way we have the same name! And I told her that he and I had been dating for over a year and you call quite often and I want to know if there is anything more than friendship going on! She stated she has a boyfriend and her and my boyfriend had dated for 3 1/2 years and they have alot of history together. We both agreed we want to meet one another. He has always made sure that doesn't happen! and our conversation was rater cordial. When I got off I called my boyfriend and told him what I had done! He actually took it pretty well! Of course today as I sit and think about it it kinda pisses me off even more. And I starting to think why in the hell am I wasting my time! Now he's in the process of selling his place and we're supposed to be buying something together. So things are moving in a positive direction! But I'm pissed and sick of all this ****!

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WHy do you feel you are wasting your time? Do you feel he is untrustworthy? If you cannot trust him, then maybe you are wasting your time. Without trust, you dont have much.


But if all of this about his ex is true, that they are nothing more than friends, and you believe it, then I guess I dont understand why you are still so mad about it?


Is it just the phone calls that are bothering you? This too would bother me, even if it was just a friend. I feel that I am my boyfriend's best friend; the one woman he goes to when he needs anything from a woman.


If this is the case, then have you told him the phone calls need to stop for you to be happy? If you havent, then do so. If you have, and he is not respecting your wishes, then you need to do somehting about this. He probably is a waste of time if he doesnt completely care about your happiness and how to keep you totally satisfied.


Good luck! ;)

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