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Married and seconding guessing relationship with Ex

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I left my ex of six years approximately seven years ago, and I am currently married to the most wonderful man ever. I have finally found someone that treats me like a queen. When I left my ex, I rarely thought of him until I started having these dreams. As a result, we started to have contact, and the contact has become more frequent.


For the first time in seven years, I saw him and I feel this experience has played on my emotions. While he seems to have matured based on our conversations, I know that he would not be marriage material. I feel so confused, and being around him and talking to him has made me second guess a wonderful marriage. I feel so sad, and I do not know if the feelings that I am having for him mean that he might be my true soul mate, and if I should persue these feelings?


I regret rekindling our relationship in some ways, but felt I needed to see him as it has been so long.


Has anyone been through this that can offer some advice.



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I have been in a similar situation. I truly believe that you would know if he were your soul mate and if he were worth giving up your marriage. It wouldnt be something you would have to analyze and constantly think about. you would just simply know, and then act accordingly. Nothing good can come of this if you keep in contact with him. If you are sure of your husband and your marriage, then you will be able to cut off contact again with the ex, in respect of your marriage. If this is impossible for you to do, well then you need to do something about it. But just please keep in mind what I said - nothing good can come of this if you stay in touch with him and try to keep your marriage going exactly the same as always. Too much will be weighing on your mind, and could begin to eat away at you. I think life throws us these curve balls sometimes, maybe to test us? I completely cut off communication between myself and someone that could have potentially gotten between myself and my current boyfriend. best decision I've ever made. I went back to being completely devoted to my boyfriend, and within days, the other guy was no longer so much as even crossing my mind. Even if it could be good with this guy, it's not worth giving up what I have. Maybe another time, another place. But it had to be completely let go of to give my all in the relationship I am in. Take the advice that will help you, and leave the rest! I hope I helped a little. Best of luck to you! :)

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