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Woman speak for "I'm just taking it slow"

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I don't think that there is anything wrong with getting in to bed and then not having sex, although if one party had an expectation that sex was being offered and it wasn't forthcoming (or the offer wasn't accepted) and if both parties aren't very good communicators then I can see how feelings can get muddled or someone can get upset.


In fact, not only do I think that there is nothing wrong with getting in to bed and then not having sex, I think that getting in to bed and then not having sex can be great, although it helps to know first that that's what's going to happen.


Or, to summarise: Cuddles FTW. :bunny:

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I asked her if she felt that way towards me, that she did want me sexually. She responded "I am just taking things slow".


Is that woman speak for "Lets just be friends?" I'm so confused. On the one hand she wanted me to but then her words say otherwise.


I was looking forward to this being the start of a great relationship but now I'm thinking I should go out and keep dating other girls because she is too guarded. I always put too much thought into these things and need help.


I am a female. Translation for the statement 'I am just taking things slow' might be smth like that .....'I hope the guy is looking for a serious GF and I have to prove him that I deserve the position. The most important thing to prove that is to show him that I am not a slut (a girl who has sex with every guy right away).

I wish it was not so hard to prove that but it is what all guys want.... a challenge. Does he really like me? If so, why did not he make a move last night? I needed him to do the move to feel desirable and attractive. What if I am not desirable enough for him? I hope next time he makes a move. Do I need to be responsive to the move? Perhaps not, because he might think that I am promiscuous? I do want a serious BF so much.'

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Women sleep right away with men that are considered losers and hold sex with men that are keepers. One would think it should be the other way around.:eek:


Ha! So that's what I'm doing wrong. I'm obviously a keeper! :laugh:

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Women sleep right away with men that are considered losers and hold sex with men that are keepers. One would think it should be the other way around.:eek:


Let me get this straight:


Loser = man that could make her horny and had enough balls to make it happen all the way to the bed?


If you sleep right away with a woman, does it mean that you're automatically loser?

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I agree 100% with you man, I want it to mean something as well, and I don't treat it as an accomplishment or a sport as well.

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You make excuses for her behavior. Good parents do not teach their children that. She can't have it both ways. She can't go on and on about her morals yet at the same time choose to drink and then get in bed with a guy she hardly knows. She has to learn responsibility and the sooner the better.


Not everyone has good parents. In fact, I'm beginning to think there are more bad parents out there than good ones. And a lot of moms who are otherwise good ones are not sitting down with their kids and explaining how the world works. I know mine didn't, and I had to go thru a lot of shyt like this before I finally learned and believe me, I sat down with my kids.


I think the OP should call her if he really likes her. She may be thinking you don't like her that much and wanting to call but afraid to.

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I never had sex for sport and I am a man. I always thought sex meant something and I would be extremely disappointed to date a woman that holds sex from me to pretend she is not a slut.


And then I find out she actually has sex with men she does not consider keepers.


That is very hard to understand.:sick:


No, she typically does not sleep around with loosers too. Most girls do not give a f...k for sleeping around. That is why men get rejected all the time.

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If you sleep right away with a woman, does it mean that you're automatically loser?


IMO It depends on a woman (or her specific situation at the time). If she sleeps right away with a man, it means that she would do it anyway with anyone including loosers, winners and guys of grey area.

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Well, one more date and it ended. She blamed it on me having kids. Then, I lost a court battle to keep my kids from moving out of state with my ex wife because she married a dousche bag. So now...at the point of giving up on dating. It isn't worth it. I just can't deal with women anymore. Freaking unbelievable. And they say Karma is a biatch. Right. No such thing.

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Don't give up bro, so 1 or 100 women out of 7 billion people wronged you. Take time to heal and get strong again, play some good video games with violence and strategy. Go hiking and white water rafting.


Smoke some good weed ( sour deez ) and relax.


Watch some south park and star trek DS9 Dominion wars.


Watch lots of crazy porn and chronically masturbate.



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She's playing a game man. Or that's what we men perceive as a game anyways. It's all part of the funny little mating dance we humans do.


I agree with whoever wrote about agree and empathise with what she is saying. Hold back a little. If she likes you, she'll contact you. You didn't blow it. The challenge will be driving her nuts.


Men really are from Mars and women are from Venus.......

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Bro, here is a simple rule. EVERY time you hear a girl say "lets take it slow" run!


In my experience, when girl said that, it lead to a bad outcome EVERY time.


I was on three dates with this girl and on first date we were making out, she was hinting to start so i took the lead.


Second date same thing with some groping and feeling under the shirt.


She told me let's take it slow after first date mind you.


On third she invited me to her place for "tea" few hours before we had to go to her friends for a get together. I did not sleep with her because i felt pressured and it was too soon for me since i knew little really after 2 dates.


At the get together, i got dumped.


No big deal, but taking slow was BS and a rad flag and i was cautious after that ( no sex ). Mixed signals means low interest bro.


I think this girl was a female player.

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If a girl don't sleep with a guy on first to 3rd date, she is a hero. If guy complains, he is a jerk.


If a guy won't sleep with a woman on 1st to 3rd date, he is a p-ssy and she is independent and sexualy liberated ( sex in the city ) and he is a jerk.


How dare a Man insult a woman by not sticking his in to hers when she wants it, how dare he deny a woman sex, how insulting to a woman....

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