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I'm in a deep ****

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I'm a loner. I do not know when this starts, but at times i feel strong and powerful when I'm alone. I can do whatever it is that I like.


But life can get quite blue and down when you are alone. I haven't got much friends, and sometimes life is quite hard to get by when you are just alone, not talking to anyone.


I failed two of my university papers and at the same time, I fell out with my friends. After that, I tried working for a while, but things keep getting worse. So I quitted.


I'm going to retake the papers this september, and i'm very determined to make things work.


But sometimes, it's so painful for me to even think about it, and I keep reminded about the past on how I failed to make things work.


Anyone has any suggestions?

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Find what motivates you and set goals. try to keep the past in the past and focus on what needs to be done. I know its not easy but keep trying and you will succede.

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Yeah, I've been trying to do that. I'm quite stressed out recently, and I cant find anyone to talk to. So I tried to write things down.

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Start to journal. Motivation is great while it lasts but it is often short lived. Write down your goals & passions. Priorities them, choose just one or two from the top of that list and commit to it/them, (don't take on too many at once, 1 or 2). Write a contract to yourself to do them, a schedule if need be. If there is someone who has a common goal like... going to the gym or taking a run together or someone who can hold you accountable.


Keep writing the journal regularly, feelings, Ideas, thoughts, whatever comes to mind, try to do it once or trice a day around the same time/s.


Oh, get out of the house even if it's to go for a walk through town, just get outside & near people.


Best of luck & I hope you start feeling better.

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Are you still registered with your university? If so, find out if they have a counselling service for students. University counselling services can be fantastic as they often train counsellors too. Have you ever been to counselling before? It's well worth it.

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I'm the same way. Incredibly independent. I have a few friends, but not a lot. I also don't get out much. So, that doesn't help.


Part of the reason is because I never get asked. I have 97 people on my facebook, I probably have about 4 people I talk to.


There are guys I find interesting on my facebook, but they are all in relationships. The only guy who isn't is the only guy I want and he's the only guy who doesn't want me. The majority of my other male friends have all admitted to having crushes and none of them are my type. My "type" is never interested in me.


Other than guys, I have girlfriends, but my best friend lives across the country. I have the most in common with her. The rest of my friends who are here are all extremely religious and like doing bible studies and church all the time and I just want to go to concerts and shows and bars. lol and other fun stuff, like theme parks and stuff like that.


My girlfriends here, like to go clubbing. I hate clubbing.




so yeah, I tend to stay home a lot.


I wish my best friend lived here. :(

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