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guy trouble


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I met this guy who's relly cute and smart and nice.. in short he's almost perfect. I have 3 main problems. He's my best friends brother; he's 21 and I'm 17; and he's in the army and thinking of moving to Australia. I fell for him the first time we met, but now I don't know what to do. If I make a move I might lose my friend or him or both. And if he leaves I'll just get hurt. What should I do?

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I don't think your age is that big of a problem, as long as your parents don't object. In time, he may even consider YOU too old for HIM. If you would lose your best friend by dating his brother, he/she is not your best friend unless he/she likes you more than he/she is letting on. Why should this pose a problem for your best friend???...I'm so sorry if I'm missing something here.


You would, of course, have to have a very clear understanding with your best friend that if anything negative happened between his/her brother and you and a possible relationship terminated, it would in no way affect the relationship. There is no way it should unless you shoot each other or there is a great deal of immaturity involved.


If he does move to Australia, now that IS a problem. There is no easy way to commute and long distance relationships are not conducive to getting to know someone, having fun, or general courtship. You would not like waiting around for a few years while he serves his tour of duty there and afterwards it is possible he could decide on another overseas tour of duty.


If you are so concerned about what your best friend thinks, ask him/her first about this situation. If he/she gives you the go ahead, date this guy until he departs for Australia and just have a good time. Make it very, very clear that you want to enjoy his company but that once he moves, if that is what he decides, you will remain his friend but date others.


If you best friend doesn't like the idea and you want to preserve the friendship, just forget about his/her brother.


If you are incapable of cutting off the relationship if he goes to Australia, don't even go there to begin with.


(If your best friend doesn't yet know how fond you are of his/her brother already, you are NOT treating him/her as a best friend)

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