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Where the boys are!


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Ladies, if you're serious about finding men but you're ready to give up because you tried everything else already, well consider becoming a radio ham.


Talking with other people around the world (without having to get on a plane) will improve your communication skills, and there are little walkie-talkies out there which fit very nicely into slender hands. Guess what, NO BILLS to talk on the radio.


If you join a few clubs and go to meetings, you'll find that there are a lot more men than women who show up. Sure, most of the men will be old geezers, but there are always a few guys in thier 20s, 30s, and 40s at the meetings. There's even one club (ylrl.org) exclusively for female radio hams, and it's been around for 72 years.


It's not hard to become a radio ham... you study a copy of the Technician Class test book, go in and take the test, and if you pass, you get a license good for 10 years. Arrl.org has just about everything you need to get started.


I've been listening to shortwave radio since 1985, and I became a radio ham in 1995. I can tell you I didn't hear very many female voices in the ham bands on the first weekend this summer---and there was a HUGE contest on the air to talk to as many other hams as possible.


So, give it a shot and don't be intimidated by the test and the technical stuff... no guts, no guy.

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