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ill keep this short angela has depresion,,,,,, mostly due to the fact she spent 2.5 years trying to get me to love her...i allways did but never allowed it to show (i was scared hurt from previous relationship) so we split up but still could not keep away from each other.... then she tryed to run away from the situation (dint work) allso tryed to have another relationship also dint work... we started seeing each other again, things where going realy well.lots of things sorted.then 1day she sent a text message to this guy she had sleeped with,,just a friendly note ...but i got realy pissed of and started to get loads from other women,, to piss her off this i no was wroung,, but she is more up set about the fact that i played tit for tat.. she said she was sorry for what she did and understands it hurt me,,but she says its made her go distant on me cuze it the sort of thing that made her depressed ,, you know all the girls after me that sort of thing,,, she dont wont to end us at all but is pissed off with me cuze i wanted to piss her of ,, she says thats wroung of me seeing as she is trying to get better.(depresion) ,,, i can undrstand her point now,, but worse of all we are now talking about weather to make or breck.. this time it will be final.. i wont go there again...she has said, to see me with another would hurt like hell.. (me to) but we have to sort us out but what do we do. she has to be in good state of mind as she is going back to collage to studdie.cant risk me makeing her bad (witch i have no intention) but this thing i done hasent gone down to well...i hang on to her and her me cuze we are so good together but have lost our trust in each other ,,,we really want it back ... what do you say and how can i reasure her ???there is no other for me i have tryed that to ...... i want my Angela back... she wants me but damage has been done i beleave it can all work out ,,,, she says i have to ern that trust again and doing what i did is not the way to do it ,,,, i see this but it s cuze i feel insurcure ,,, where last time it was her that was insurcure (hence the depresion) please can some one help me out ,,is there light at the end of my dark tunnel Paul at <e-mail address removed>,.. im so desperate to sort it out



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I think you both need to grow up. This Email the two of you sent is really juvenile.


If you can't talk to her and put that stupid stuff behind you and resolve to have a mature, adult relationship based on positive, rational, sane behavior then the both of you should give yourselves some time to learn more about life.


If the two of you can't learn to express your anger directly to each other without "getting even" you will never have a healthy relationship.


This is just too junior high schoolish!!! I mean this girl is starting college soon.

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thanks for your prompt reply ,,i hear what your saying thank you



I think you both need to grow up. This Email

the two of you sent is really juvenile.

If you can't talk to her and put that stupid

stuff behind you and resolve to have a mature,

adult relationship based on positive, rational,

sane behavior then the both of you should give

yourselves some time to learn more about life.


If the two of you can't learn to express

your anger directly to each other without "getting

even" you will never have a healthy relationship.


This is just too junior high schoolish!!!

I mean this girl is starting college soon.





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