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What is the difference between a Boyfriend and a Best Friend?

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Alright this is one of those need to know things that I'm pretty sure right now I need to know but not really sure on....


I wanna be able to know the difference between being a boyfriend and being just the best friend?


I mean I understand that being a boyfriend should mean that you are her best friend which I am but when I where is the line drawn when you suppose to be just the best friend now...


We still tell each other how much we love each other and that we love each other just as much as we did before and sometimes we still kiss and do things like that. Its messed up cause I feel like I'm like floating right in the middle and she is my first love and she's my first for alot of things (*hers too). We just broke up this past Sunday. It's really hare do figure it out...


Someone just tell me the difference cause I'm really confused?

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What is the difference between a Boyfriend and a Best Friend?


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Well, that's if you're not a swinger :D


I think Dave would answer this question as "The amount of dick-lay" :laugh: Gotta love that boy.

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BEst friends should happen first and them move onto being boy friend and girlfriend. Usually the ground rules in making a 'best friend' into a 'boy friend' are commitment and open displays of affection as well as fun behind the closed doors (and no I am not saying just sex)

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Its only up to both of you to redefine your relationship.

you need to talk to eachother about whats expected.

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