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Sat next to her today. Got signals I can't decode.

one goal

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How do you know she done nothing to deserve this in her entire life, ever heard of karma Elmo?

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I plan on texting her like on Tue see how she's doing. I know she has to work this weekend so I wont text her then. I don't want to come off as pushy, but I want her to know that I'm interested in her.

Dude, she knows you're interested in her, trust me.


Try to invite her to lunch with you the next time you see her. But you need to be very casual about it. Pretend that you're inviting a guy.

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Dude, she knows you're interested in her, trust me.


Try to invite her to lunch with you the next time you see her. But you need to be very casual about it. Pretend that you're inviting a guy.


I already asked her to lunch about week and a half ago, remember?


She said she's busy, and that she was wanting to be single for awhile because she just got out of a relationship.


The key is that she is SINGLE!

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The way you asked her out last time was far too serious.


You need to be casual. Pretend she's a guy. I can't think of any other way to explain it.

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I already asked her to lunch about week and a half ago, remember?


She said she's busy, and that she was wanting to be single for awhile because she just got out of a relationship.


The key is that she is SINGLE!


Last time it sounded, in her brain, like "he's asking me on a date" and for some reason (perhaps for exactly the reason she told you) she said "no".


Next time you need to get it to arrive in her brain like "he's just asking me if I want to go and eat with him" and then she'll remember that she doesn't think you're too creepy and if she's free she'll say yes.


I don't think the key is that she's single, but then I don't think that you understand what the lock is. She doesn't want to date you, so don't make her think that that's what you want. If you want to be her friend, and show that, it sounds like she'll reciprocate.

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Last time it sounded, in her brain, like "he's asking me on a date" and for some reason (perhaps for exactly the reason she told you) she said "no".


Next time you need to get it to arrive in her brain like "he's just asking me if I want to go and eat with him" and then she'll remember that she doesn't think you're too creepy and if she's free she'll say yes.


I don't think the key is that she's single, but then I don't think that you understand what the lock is. She doesn't want to date you, so don't make her think that that's what you want. If you want to be her friend, and show that, it sounds like she'll reciprocate.


Well towards the end we will be working on the project more so I could use that as a way to ask her to meet up to work together. if that goes well, then I can ask her to go hangout and possibly get a real date.

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Well towards the end we will be working on the project more so I could use that as a way to ask her to meet up to work together. if that goes well, then I can ask her to go hangout and possibly get a real date.


Maybe, and you could win the lottery, too. Given that she's already told you that she doesn't want to date you then I think you're wasting your time with any approach other than being friends. Nothing wrong with making a new friend, but please have some more respect for yourself and stop chasing girls who just aren't interested in you and have already told you that they aren't interested in you. You are flogging a dead horse. Why do you hate yourself so much that you do this?

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Maybe, and you could win the lottery, too. Given that she's already told you that she doesn't want to date you then I think you're wasting your time with any approach other than being friends. Nothing wrong with making a new friend, but please have some more respect for yourself and stop chasing girls who just aren't interested in you and have already told you that they aren't interested in you. You are flogging a dead horse. Why do you hate yourself so much that you do this?


I only knew her for two weeks when i asked her out, and hardly talked much. Maybe once she gets to know me better things will change.

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Cracker Jack

You need to eliminate the desperation from your repertoire, one goal. I feel bad just reading that.

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I only knew her for two weeks when i asked her out, and hardly talked much. Maybe once she gets to know me better things will change.


Maybe, and you could win the lottery, too. Given that she's already told you that she doesn't want to date you then I think you're wasting your time with any approach other than being friends. Nothing wrong with making a new friend, but please have some more respect for yourself and stop chasing girls who just aren't interested in you and have already told you that they aren't interested in you. You are flogging a dead horse. Why do you hate yourself so much that you do this?

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I only knew her for two weeks when i asked her out, and hardly talked much. Maybe once she gets to know me better things will change.


ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww missouri hate flag. your dont deserve a girlfriend

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ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww missouri hate flag. your dont deserve a girlfriend


Its not hate. Missouri was the 12th Confederate state.

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Its not hate. Missouri was the 12th Confederate state.


ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww hate flag is hate and im a white girl. yucky.

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Cracker Jack

1)Go to "My Profile/CP tab


2)Go down to Edit Ignore List,


3)Put in their username.

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1)Go to "My Profile/CP tab


2)Go down to Edit Ignore List,


3)Put in their username.


thank you!

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Should I maybe text her like on Sunday asking her how her weekend is going? If I dont text her then wouldn't that send her mixed signals why i quit texting?

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Should I maybe text her like on Sunday asking her how her weekend is going? If I dont text her then wouldn't that send her mixed signals why i quit texting?


No. It would show her that your life does not revolve around her. I suggest you fake it till you make it.

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Sadly, I have to agree. Your viewpoint with girls is not healthy, OP.



His viewpoint, based on post history, hasn't ever been healthy. It's rather disturbing.


He needs to just stop chasing this girl. Or any girl. He needs to work on himself first. I'd recommend taking one year off pursuing any kind of girl, and instead focus on who he is and what his passions are. He'll be much better off in the long run if he does that.

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Just had to LOL at the title of this thread. When have you ever been able to "decode" what a woman was saying OP? You usuay don't get the hint until security is dragging you away and even then you might not relent.

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I talked to her again a little tonight just to see what she was doing. She talked about going out with her friends tonight and that. I asked her if we could meet somewhere and work on the project together. She kinda deflected the question saying we just need to talk to everyone in our group. I did mention before she goes back to school in Aug if we could go hangout once because I think she's a nice girl. She told me she understands I want to, but said she seriously doesnt have enough time to even hangout with her other friends because of homework and work and that she might not even be able to go out tonight.


She is busy, she works 4-5 days a week in the summer, and has homework but you think you would still have some time. However I think that seals my fate. Because school doesn't start till towards the end of Aug and summer school ends at the end of July so that is kinda bs excuse.


Why when I talk to her she was kinda flirty and that, and talked to me so much then??

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I think it's pretty fair to say that she was never interested in you, and now you've ruined even a friendship with her.


I'd say cut your losses and move on, but of course you're not going to do that, being who you are.


I'd also say get therapy, but you don't take that advice, either.


But I see countless posts on here people saying guys really can't be just "friends" with girls.


About the working on the project part, I was honest and just wanted to get together and work on it, not as a date, but from her tone she doesn't even want to do that.


I'll still sit next to her on wed, but it's going to feel strange now. If she text me about class should i ignore her now? Its odd because she's always very talkative to me and friendly, but when I simply want to hangout with her and get to know her more she shuts that down which doesn't make sense.

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But I see countless posts on here people saying guys really can't be just "friends" with girls.


About the working on the project part, I was honest and just wanted to get together and work on it, not as a date, but from her tone she doesn't even want to do that.


I'll still sit next to her on wed, but it's going to feel strange now. If she text me about class should i ignore her now? Its odd because she's always very talkative to me and friendly, but when I simply want to hangout with her and get to know her more she shuts that down which doesn't make sense.


She's a nice girl who isn't interested in you, so what? She has been friendly and very nice to you thus far, probably because it's how she is. She didn't want to turn you down earlier and just be a b*tch to you about it, so she's tried to be friendly and talk to you whenever. But just because she's friendly, doesn't mean she has to hang out with you. You don't need to listen to the excuse, you don't need to know why..just know she doesn't want to and leave it at that. Demanding to know why or to get a good reason why not, sounds like something a little kid would do when throwing a temper tantrum after not getting what they wanted.

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