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HELP!!=( I feel terrible

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So my boyfriend planned this romantic evening for us tonight. burt I got stuck on Long island late and couldnt get back into the cty until tommorrow.....Hes so disappointed and i feel terrible, what can I say or do to make this up to him...he is so sweet but is so disaappointed and frustrated I guess with me, he said of course not mad justmajorly disappointed...I FEEL TERRIBLE....=(

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I know transportation is pretty good from Long Island to Manhattan so I'm assuming by getting stuck you mean you had to work or were otherwise encumbered.


Since you knew what you would be doing during the day and that engendered the danger of being tied up much later than planned, I'm sure you warned him. Sure, he's disappointed but this is part of dating. You get to see his responses to emergencies...you get to see if he get's angry, or is supportive, understanding, etc. So give him ten points for being understanding here and forget about it.


Hey, this is LIFE. SHXT HAPPENS!!! And probably more so in your area of the world. YOU are making yourself feel terrible...the circumstances are pretty neutral. You are making the decision to make yourself feel like crap...so just cut it out right now. You should be celebrating that you have such a wonderful boyfriend.


Be sure to let him know how much you appreciate his kindness and supportive attitude about this and then forget about it.


You live in one of the most fun parts of the U.S. and you will never run out of great things to do with your boyfriend. So look forward to the days ahead and have a HAPPY LABOR DAY!!!


Now, smile :)

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