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did my husband really cheat?

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how do you really know for sure if your husband has cheated or not. my husband had been talking to this girl for about 3 months i guess not really sure. this person told me at my sons school registration that her sister was seeing my husband. so when i went home i confronted him about it naturally he denied it. so i became suspicuos watching his every move and hitting redial on the phone every time i came home. some one would call 10 or 15 times and day and it would show up unavailable and they would just hang up when i answered. so i bought a recorder and put on the phone. it recorded every phone call that was made to and from the phone. i discovered that he was talking to this girl on the phone. when i confronted him he admitted that he was talking to her but it was nothing more than just a friendship. i told him that i didn't want him talking to her anymore. he said he would stop. well about 6 months later someone tells me that they thought he was talking to her again. so i recorded him talking to her again but i still had no proof of his infidelity they never talked about having sex. i told him that it was over between us and that i wanted him to leave. my son took a fit on me. so i told him that he could stay. he said he would not talk to her anymore but i don't know what to believe. he said she kept running him down and calling him was why is was talking to her and that i didn't listen to him and she did. i would find his vehicle parked beside the road for hours at a time but he always had an explanation. he was working second shift and i was working first shift so we hardly ever saw each other he claims we drifted apart. evidentlly he must have broken it off with her. she called me at work and told me that she was having an afair with my husband and that they were having sex. I asked him about it. He denied everything he said she was only trying to hurt me because he told her he didn't want to talk to her again. does anyone have any suggestions or advice for me. thank you.

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Well...it sounds like he was cheating...denial is the first step b/c in our hearts...we dont want to hurt the women we are committed to...


It could still possibly be a friend with no sexual or emtional attachment but...


Was his time spent with you decreasing alot or not?


If it was...chances are he was with her...and is thinking more about her than you right now


If not then she may just be a friend...


Please reply to my post when you get a chance...



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I don't know if he was cheating on you,


but i think he was doing something wrong. Why did


he lie to you in the first place about talking and phoning


her if nothing was going on?

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He think he was up to NO good. First, he lied about everything, and he ONLY admitted to what you had hard core proof of, which was the phone contact and the phone conversation.


It sounds to me like he wouldn't have admitted to having sex with this woman unless you had it video recorded.


He's already proven to you that he's a liar. You know he was carrying on with this woman behind your back, so what's the difference at that point on whether or not he had sex with her...it was still deceitful, and it was all done behind your back because it was the WRONG thing to do.

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I am sure that he has cheated. To what extent is another thing. Do you believe in degrees of lie? I for one don't. He may not have slept with her but he did lie to you time and again. If this goes on then there is a chance that you are in for a big shock. At least make yourself mentally prepared for any eventuality. Also make sure that your son understands the whole situation. It is important to safeguard him emotionally before you go ahead and do anything about it. But staying in this realtion will be detrimental to both you and your son. You husband is bound to slip and make a public fool of himself.

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