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I'm ****ing my Man's best friend

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I recently stated dating a guy that I broke up with because of my feelings for him. He treats me good and the sex is


awesome. We compliment each other in and out of bed. I recently met a guy that he's very fund of and speaks highly


of. I've wanted to be introduce to this guy for a while now, but a friend to both of us declined. We finally met, and


both agreed right off that anything between us was off limits because of my guy. Well it happens that I had a


plumbing problem at my house and ended up having to stay with the guy and his room mate whose a close friend of


mine for a couple of days. Because of our work schedule the guy that I'm cheating with offered his bedroom to me.


But, just so happen I was off work. The first day he came in, I was still asleep and he got into bed and went to


sleep also. When we woke up we laughed and talk for awhile and watched TV and still agreed to not get involved


with each other. The second day he even held me while I slept, and we still agree to just being friends. I returned



home. We can't help running into each other because his roommate is a good friend of mine. The attraction


between us got very strong and we finally hooked up and still tried to avoid each other. Well, it finally happen, we


made love and it was great! I don't feel guilty but I would not want my guy to find out about this. He speaks with


the other guy about me constantly. The other guys says that he can't believe he ****ing his boys' girl, and I can't


believe I'm ****ing my man's boy.

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o.....k...... i think your confusing bragging rights with unscrupulous trash. may your boyfriend have the good fortune to find out and dump your sorry a$$.

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What is the point here?


plumbing????? :laugh::confused:

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See...this is BULL****


She is just looking for someone to talk to...


And you guys are being morons...


If you dont have anything good to say...well, SHUT THE HELL UP...


Just talk to the girl...


I think your feeling guilty is normal...i guess you have to talk to him and let him know...


I mean, you went ALL THE WAY as far as cheating is concerned...


Chances are you will end up with the new guy if he can stand doing that to his best friend...


Interesting stuff

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Young and successful...... i cant speak for anyone else.... but i will say i read her post as shes bragging about whats shes done..... i dont see her feeling guilty anywhere in her post.... as well as i dont see her seeking advice.... just bragging about how shes screwing around with her boyfriends bestfriend...... as for calling US morons..... LMAO!!!!!!..... your obviously reading words we dont see...... :rolleyes:

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exactly...WHY are you posting? I mean number one...why would you sleep in that's guy's room and not on the couch or something...and secondly if you care about your man at all you would have [font=century gothic]KEPT YOUR LEGS CLOSED[/font] :sick: Don't you have respect for yourself?

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I do believe that if I have nothing nice to say, I shouldn't say anything nice at all. After reading this post, I definitely have many things that I would like to say, but none of them are nice in the least. I find that I am unable to control myself, and now choose to say all of these nasty, horrible things in a constructive, polite manner:


I have nothing nice to say about your post. I will spare you and say nothing degrading.


I do, however, find it constructive to say the following: You are going to ruin a friendship, and a relationship. If you go for the man you are cheating with, what is to say that he will not cheat on you? He so easily violated the trust of his friend. When one violates the trust of another, he often does it repeatedly to others around him. I doubt this man would go for you anyway, as you have made it quite clear you are not a woman of moral character who can be trusted.

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That's was putting it really nicely..a woman with lack of morals is such an understatement....BOTH of them deserve whatever they get......you know they say


whatever you do comes back to you 3 times full
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Originally posted by YoungSuccesful

See...this is BULL****


She is just looking for someone to talk to...


And you guys are being morons...



Uhm no. I don't get that at all. She said : "Well, it finally happen, we made love and it was great! I don't feel guilty but I would not want my guy to find out about this. "



She doesn't feel guilty aka she's a slut in the truest sense of the word BUT she doesn't want her bf to know. She wants to have it both ways. Shes a selfish "enter your favorite derogatory term here".

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Did anyone notice that she started off her post with the cool symbol? :cool:


I'm hoping that this is a troll post and therefore not true. But sick things do happen all the time. The poster will find out what kind of hurt there is when she comes back in a few years, having grown up and experienced hurt from someone she really had feelings for.

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